
Afghan officials make first climate talks appearance after long absence


Afghan environmental team joins UN climate conference in Azerbaijan for first time since political changes. Nations top environment official seeks global backing for weather-related challenges

After a three-year gap the Afghan environmental team has made its way to Baku Azerbaijan (where UN climate discussions are taking place). Matuil Haq Khalis whos leading the environment protection department seeks to get much-needed help for his weather-beaten nation

The timing is crucial — Afghanistan faces serious climate problems: unexpected rain patterns drought periods and quick-moving floods are making life harder for local people. The country hasnt been present at these kind of talks since 21ʼ when big political changes happened

The nations climate problems need quick fixing: its one of the most at-risk places on Earth dealing with nature-related problems. The delegation hopes to work with other countries to find ways to handle these issues that affect millions of people in their home-land

  • Heavy rain storms causing flash floods
  • Long dry seasons hurting farming
  • Weird weather patterns affecting daily life

This meet-up in Baku might open new paths for working together on environmental issues; the Afghan team wants to show that climate problems dont care about politics

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