
China and Belarus Bolster Cooperation Across Multiple Sectors


China and Belarus have agreed to strengthen ties in trade, security, energy, and finance. The joint statement follows a meeting between the countries' prime ministers in Minsk, emphasizing enhanced cooperation in various areas.

In a significant development for Sino-Belarusian relations, China and Belarus have reached an agreement to bolster cooperation across multiple sectors. This decision comes in the wake of a meeting between Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko in Minsk on August 22, 2024.

The joint statement, released on August 23, 2024, outlines plans to strengthen collaboration in:

  • Trade
  • Security
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Industrial supply chains

Both nations have expressed their commitment to enhancing trade facilitation, aiming to reduce costs for businesses on both sides. This move is expected to further solidify the economic ties between the two countries, building on their existing trade relationship.

China currently holds the position of Belarus's second-largest trading partner globally and its primary trading partner in Asia. In 2023, bilateral trade between the two nations surpassed $8.4 billion, highlighting the robust economic relationship they share.

Belarus has also expressed its intention to deepen cooperation with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. This megalopolis, covering an area of 56,000 square kilometers, encompasses nine major cities including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai. The Greater Bay Area initiative aims to integrate 11 cities into a unified economic hub, presenting significant opportunities for Belarus to expand its economic reach in the region.

The strengthening of ties between China and Belarus is not a recent development. Li Qiang noted that the relationship between the two nations has remained vibrant for the past 32 years, despite fluctuations in the international landscape. This enduring partnership dates back to 1992, shortly after Belarus gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

It's worth noting that Belarus was among the first countries to respond positively to China's Belt and Road Initiative, which was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. This early support has contributed to the development of projects such as the China-Belarus Industrial Park, also known as Great Stone, which stands as the largest overseas industrial park built by China.

The meeting in Minsk follows Li Qiang's first visit to Russia as Chinese Premier, underscoring China's focus on strengthening ties with its allies in the region. This diplomatic engagement comes at a time when Belarus, a landlocked country in Eastern Europe with a population of approximately 9.4 million, has been under Western sanctions since 2020 due to political issues.

As China continues to expand its global economic influence, with its GDP surpassing $17 trillion in 2021, partnerships like the one with Belarus play a crucial role in its international strategy. The China-Belarus Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, established in 2013, serves as a foundation for this growing cooperation.

"China-Belarus relations have remained vibrant for the past 32 years despite the changing international landscape."

Chinese Premier Li Qiang stated:

This latest agreement between China and Belarus represents a continuation of their long-standing partnership and signals potential for increased economic and strategic cooperation in the future.


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