
Denver starts probe into state website password exposure mishap


Denver DA office looks into voting system passwords that stayed visible on state website. Officials confirm multi-layered security wasnt affected by the un-planned data exposure

The Denver District Attorneys office started checking into a case where voting-system passwords ended up on public display through a state-run web-page (this stayed up until oct-2024)

Jena Griswold‚ Coloradoʼs Secretary of State made it clear that the situation was just a mix-up; she pointed out that there wasnt any direct risk to security. The states County Clerks group backed up this view saying everything stayed safe

The voting system uses multiple security steps — passwords are just one piece of the whole set-up. Anyone trying to use these codes would need to:

  • Be physically in the room
  • Get through secured areas
  • Deal with camera systems
  • Have special access rights

The security features work together making it hard to mess with anything even if someone saw the passwords that got posted Its important to note that all voting areas have extra watching and protection in place

Olivia Greene


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