
Escaped Desert Tortoise Rescued from Arizona Interstate


A sulcata tortoise named Stitch was safely rescued while attempting to cross Interstate 10 in southern Arizona. The escaped reptile was returned to its home at a nearby ostrich ranch.

In a peculiar incident on July 30, 2024, a large sulcata tortoise named Stitch was rescued while attempting to cross Interstate 10 near Picacho, Arizona. The event highlighted the unexpected challenges that can arise on the state's highways.

A concerned motorist alerted authorities about the tortoise's presence on the busy thoroughfare, situated midway between Casa Grande and Tucson in Pinal County. Sergeant Steven Sekrecki of the Arizona Department of Public Safety responded promptly to the call, collaborating with the motorist to safely remove the tortoise from harm's way.

Sulcata tortoises, native to the Sahara desert in northern Africa, are the third-largest tortoise species globally. These remarkable creatures can weigh up to 200 pounds and live for seven decades in captivity. Known for their impressive walking abilities, sulcata tortoises can cover 2-3 miles daily in search of sustenance.

The rescue team identified Stitch by the name inscribed on its shell. Subsequent inquiries revealed that the tortoise had escaped from its habitat at an ostrich ranch located approximately 3 miles from the incident site. The ranch confirmed Stitch's identity and recent disappearance.

Sulcata tortoises are renowned for their burrowing behavior, capable of digging burrows up to 10 feet deep. This trait, combined with their ability to walk long distances, likely contributed to Stitch's escape and subsequent highway adventure.

These tortoises possess remarkable adaptations for hot, arid environments, tolerating temperatures up to 120°F (49°C). Their diet primarily consists of grasses and plants, and they play a crucial role in seed dispersal within their native ecosystems.

Despite their impressive size and strength, sulcata tortoises face challenges in the wild. The species is considered vulnerable due to habitat loss and over-collection for the pet trade. Incidents like Stitch's escape underscore the importance of proper care and secure enclosures for these captive animals.

Following the rescue, Stitch was safely returned to the ostrich ranch. This incident serves as a reminder of the diverse wildlife that can unexpectedly intersect with human infrastructure, highlighting the need for vigilance and compassion on the roads.

The story of Stitch's highway adventure not only captivated local attention but also shed light on the fascinating characteristics of sulcata tortoises. From their impressive longevity to their social nature and ability to recognize caretakers, these creatures continue to intrigue both researchers and animal enthusiasts alike.


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