The French political scene faces a major shake-up as Michel Barnierʼs government hits rough waters. Using article 49.3 of the constitution‚ the PM decided to bypass parliament for passing a social-security bill — a move that might cost him his position
We are at a moment of truth that puts all of us in front of our responsibilities; The French will not forgive us for putting the interests of individuals before the future of the country
The far-right National Rally party‚ led by Marine Le Pen‚ didnt accept Barniers last-minute deal. Their main demands include:
- Keeping pension rates linked to inflation
- Reviewing the planned 60-billion euro budget cuts
- Re-thinking tax increase proposals
The opposition got 24hrs to submit a no-confidence motion (something that hasnt brought down a French government since the early 60s). If submitted the vote could happen as soon as mid-week — putting extra pressure on the already shaky political situation
Le Pen left a tiny window for talks open‚ suggesting the government might still avoid collapse if it meets her partyʼs demands about the Jan 1st pension changes. The minority government — which started just 3 months ago — depends on National Rally support to stay in power; this budget bill (aimed at fixing Frances growing money problems) might end this uneasy partnership