
Greece Battles Wildfires Near Athens Amid Extreme Heat and Drought


Evacuations ordered as firefighters combat blazes near Athens. Greece faces high fire risk after record-breaking temperatures, with experts warning of critical days ahead due to prolonged drought.

In a concerning development, residents in two areas near Athens were instructed to evacuate on August 11, 2023, as firefighters worked tirelessly to contain wildfires exacerbated by strong winds and high temperatures. The situation highlights the ongoing challenges Greece faces due to climate change and extreme weather conditions.

Near the village of Varnava, located approximately 35 kilometers north of Athens, a substantial firefighting operation was underway. Over 190 firefighters, supported by 40 trucks, 11 water-bombing aircraft, and five helicopters, were deployed to combat the blaze that had reached residential areas by late afternoon. Simultaneously, fire crews were battling another fire in a forested region near the town of Megara, west of the capital.

The fires resulted in thick brown smoke enveloping parts of Athens, serving as a visible reminder of the environmental crisis. Several regions across Greece were placed on high alert for fire risk on August 11 and 12, 2023, underscoring the widespread nature of the threat.

This summer has witnessed hundreds of wildfires breaking out across Greece, following record-breaking temperatures in June and July 2023, which came after the warmest winter on record. Scientists have linked these increasingly hot and dry conditions to climate change, particularly in the Mediterranean region.

Kostas Lagouvardos, research director of the Athens Observatory, emphasized the critical nature of the coming days. He stated:

"What makes the situation so dangerous is the prolonged drought and very high temperatures that last for a long time."

Warning from Athens Observatory Research Director

The current situation in Greece is part of a broader pattern of climate change impacts in the Mediterranean. The region is considered a "hot spot" for climate change effects, with increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves and wildfires expected in the coming years.

Greece's dedicated fire service, responsible for wildfire suppression, often collaborates with other European countries during severe fire seasons. The Greek government has implemented various measures to improve wildfire prevention and response, recognizing the growing threat posed by climate change.

As Greece continues to grapple with these environmental challenges, the events of August 2023 serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need for global action on climate change and the importance of robust disaster preparedness and response mechanisms.

Samantha Blake



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