
Harris's Role in Afghanistan Withdrawal: Influence and Limitations


Vice President Kamala Harris's involvement in the 2021 U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan reveals the complexities of her position and the challenges faced by Afghan women post-Taliban takeover.

In 2021, as President Joe Biden prepared to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, many Afghans hoped Vice President Kamala Harris would influence the decision to protect women's rights. However, the vice president's role in this pivotal moment highlights the complexities of her position and the limitations of her influence.

Harris, known for her advocacy for women's rights, had previously expressed concern about protecting Afghan women post-withdrawal. In 2019, she stated, "I want to ensure that the country is on a path to stability, that we protect the gains that have been made for Afghan women and others."

"I want to ensure that the country is on a path to stability, that we protect the gains that have been made for Afghan women and others."

Harris on Afghanistan in 2019

Despite her earlier statements, Harris's actual influence on the withdrawal decision remains unclear. Officials involved in the deliberations noted that while she asked probing questions, she did not push for alternative policies. A former senior military official described her approach as "like a district attorney" but revealed little about her stance.

The withdrawal, completed in August 2021, resulted in a chaotic evacuation and the swift Taliban takeover of Kabul. This led to significant setbacks for Afghan women's rights, including bans on secondary and university education for girls and women.

In the aftermath, Harris publicly lamented the loss of rights for Afghan women and girls. On March 23, 2023, she posted on social media: "We will never stop championing the rights of women and girls around the world."

The situation in Afghanistan continues to be a pressing issue. As Sima Samar, chairwoman of the Afghanistan Human Rights Center, stated, "Afghanistan has turned out to be a prison for women without the boundary walls around it."

As Harris potentially faces increased scrutiny in her role as the Democratic nominee, her handling of the Afghanistan situation and its aftermath may become a significant point of discussion in the upcoming election cycle.


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