
Hidden message: App giant questions TikTok's age rating for young users


Tech-giant expressed doubts about TikTokʼs content age-rating in private discussions. Documents from state legal case show disagreement over platformʼs suitability for pre-teens

In a newly-surfaced exchange from state court documents Apple raised red flags about TikTokʼs content ratings. The tech-giant pointed out that the video-sharing app had more grown-up material than its current age suggestion implies

TikTok maintains its 12-plus rating in the App Store (which doesnt match actual content maturity levels) The platform downplays mature themes; describing suggestive content profanity and adult material as “mild“ or showing up rarely — a characterization that Apple disputed in back-channel communications

The App Store needs precise age-ratings from developers to help users make smart choices about downloads: this system lets parents control what apps their kids can access. TikTokʼs current rating seems too low considering its real content mix — something state investigators are now looking into as part of broader legal action against the social-media platform

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