
Japan's Kishida Urges Continued U.S. Global Leadership Before Election


Outgoing Japanese PM Kishida emphasizes U.S. role in East Asia and globally, highlighting challenges to international order. He stresses Japan-U.S. alliance and calls for investment in Japan.

In a significant address delivered in New York, Fumio Kishida, Japan's outgoing Prime Minister, underscored the critical importance of sustained U.S. involvement and leadership in East Asia and across the globe. This statement comes at a crucial juncture, less than two months before a highly contested U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 5, 2024.

Kishida, who is not seeking re-election in the upcoming Japanese ruling party leadership vote, spoke at a Bloomberg-hosted event. He emphasized that the foundations of international order face challenges worldwide, particularly citing Russia's actions against Ukraine. The Prime Minister highlighted his efforts to bolster the Japan-U.S. alliance and enhance Japan's defense capabilities during his tenure.

"What kind of future do we intend to hand down to our children and grandchildren? It is not a world where freedom is restricted and the will of the people is suppressed."

Fumio Kishida on the future of international order

Kishida advocated for a future built on freedom and democracy, principles that the United States has championed since the conclusion of World War II, 79 years ago. He stressed that East Asia and the global community continue to require U.S. engagement and leadership, asserting that this aligns with America's national interests.

The Japanese leader's visit to the United States coincides with the United Nations General Assembly, a forum where all 193 UN member states have equal representation. On September 21, 2024, Kishida participated in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) meeting alongside leaders from the U.S., Australia, and India. This strategic forum announced joint security measures for Asia's economically vital waters, addressing growing challenges posed by China.

Kishida's remarks echo his address to the U.S. Congress in April 2024, where he warned about the potential consequences of Ukraine's collapse without U.S. support. He cautioned that such an outcome could embolden China and precipitate a new crisis in East Asia. The Prime Minister urged Americans to recognize their country's indispensable role in global affairs and highlighted Japan's historic military enhancements under his leadership to support its ally.

Japan, the world's third-largest economy by nominal GDP, has been increasing its defense spending and capabilities in recent years, despite its post-war constitution renouncing war. The U.S.-Japan Alliance, formed in 1960, remains a cornerstone of U.S. security interests in Asia, with approximately 54,000 U.S. military personnel stationed in Japan.

Kishida also took the opportunity to encourage investment in Japan, creatively referencing the globally popular Star Trek franchise: "I would like to say even more strongly, like Captain Kirk in Star Trek: 'Boldly invest in Japan, like no one has done before!'" This call for investment comes as Japan, the world's largest creditor nation, seeks to revitalize its economy after facing nearly two decades of deflation from the 1990s.

As the country with the world's oldest population and the third-highest life expectancy, Japan continues to innovate, leading in fields such as robotics and maintaining the world's most punctual high-speed rail system. The nation remains a crucial economic partner for the U.S., being its fourth-largest export market for goods and services.

In conclusion, Kishida's address reaffirms Japan's commitment to the international order based on the rule of law and underscores the enduring importance of U.S.-Japan relations in an increasingly complex global landscape.


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