
Libraries Embrace Spooky Season with Ghost-Hunting Kit Loans


Public libraries across the US are now offering ghost-hunting kits for loan, complete with paranormal detection equipment. The trend, popular year-round, sees a surge during Halloween season.

In a novel approach to community engagement, public libraries across the United States are now offering ghost-hunting kits for loan. This trend has gained significant traction, with patrons eagerly checking out these paranormal investigation tools, especially as Halloween approaches.

Kaz Windness, a children's book author from Thornton, Colorado, recently borrowed one such kit from her local library. "We're entering spooky season, so I decided to give it a try," she explained. The kit Windness checked out contained an array of equipment including an electromagnetic field meter, digital voice recorder, spirit box, infrared thermometer, and UV black light flashlight.

These ghost-hunting kits, typically valued at around $250, can be borrowed for a week by patrons aged 18 and older. The popularity of these kits aligns with the rising interest in paranormal investigations, partly fueled by ghost-hunting tours, YouTube videos, and television shows like "Ghost Hunters" on Netflix.

Libraries from Oregon to Maine are embracing this trend, with many reporting high demand and waiting lists for the kits. Allison Peck, public relations manager for Ohio's Clark County Public Library, noted, "They've been checking out consistently well and we always have holds on them."

The concept of ghost hunting is not new. The term was coined in the 19th century, and the first modern ghost hunting groups formed in the 1940s and 1950s. The Society for Psychical Research, established in 1882, was among the pioneering organizations to investigate ghostly phenomena.

While the scientific community generally considers ghost hunting pseudoscience, it hasn't dampened public enthusiasm. The recreational aspect of ghost hunting gained significant popularity in the 2000s, coinciding with the rise of paranormal reality TV shows. "Most Haunted," the first ghost hunting reality TV show, premiered in 2002, paving the way for numerous similar programs.

"Libraries aren't just a place to borrow books. Why buy something like a ghost-hunting kit when you can borrow it?"

Lauren Walker, director of Coventry Public Library in Rhode Island

The equipment in these kits has diverse origins. EMF meters and infrared cameras, now staples in ghost hunting, were originally designed for general electromagnetic field detection and military use, respectively. The concept of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), often central to ghost hunting, was introduced in the 1950s.

Some libraries have taken creative approaches to promote their kits. The Coventry Public Library in Rhode Island produced a promotional video featuring librarians using the equipment in the book stacks. Rebecca Van Dan from the Eager Free Public Library in Evansville, Wisconsin, added books about local haunted locations to their kit, enhancing its appeal.

As libraries continue to diversify their offerings, ghost-hunting kits represent a unique blend of entertainment, community engagement, and exploration of the unknown. Whether used for serious investigation or lighthearted fun, these kits are bringing a touch of the supernatural to library shelves across the nation.


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Libraries Embrace Spooky Season with Ghost-Hunting Kit Loans


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