EU's Borrell Warns of 'Almost Full-Fledged War' Between Israel and Hezbollah

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell expresses grave concern over escalating Israel-Hezbollah conflict, citing rising civilian casualties and intense military strikes. He urges immediate diplomatic action to prevent full-scale war.

September 24 2024, 11:55 AM  •  531 views

EU's Borrell Warns of 'Almost Full-Fledged War' Between Israel and Hezbollah

Josep Borrell, the European Union's foreign policy chief, has issued a stark warning about the escalating conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah. Speaking to reporters on September 24, 2024, Borrell characterized the situation as "almost a full-fledged war," highlighting the increasing number of civilian casualties and the intensity of military operations.

Borrell's assessment comes amidst growing concerns about the potential for regional spillover effects. The EU official emphasized that Europe's worst fears about the conflict's expansion are becoming a reality. This escalation is particularly worrying given the long history of tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, which dates back to the 2006 Lebanon War that resulted in over 1,000 Lebanese and 165 Israeli deaths.

The current situation along the Israel-Lebanon border, known as the Blue Line, has seen a significant increase in cross-border skirmishes and rocket attacks. Israel's sophisticated missile defense system, Iron Dome, has been actively engaged in intercepting incoming rockets. Meanwhile, Israel has conducted numerous airstrikes in Syria, targeting alleged Hezbollah and Iranian positions.


Borrell stressed the urgent need for diplomatic intervention to prevent a full-blown war. He stated, "Here in New York is the moment to do that. Everybody has to put all their capacity to stop this path to war." This reference to New York likely pertains to the ongoing United Nations General Assembly, which typically convenes in September and serves as a crucial platform for international diplomacy.

The EU has been actively involved in various diplomatic efforts in the Middle East peace process. Since 2019, the EU has had a Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process to support such initiatives. Additionally, the EU imposed sanctions on Hezbollah's military wing in 2013, recognizing the complex nature of the organization's role in the region.

Lebanon's internal challenges further complicate the situation. The country has been grappling with a severe economic crisis since 2019, which has significantly impacted its political stability. The EU has provided humanitarian aid to Lebanon to help address these economic difficulties.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), established in 1978, continues its mission to maintain peace along the Israel-Lebanon border. However, the recent escalation suggests that additional diplomatic efforts are urgently needed to prevent further deterioration of the situation.

Borrell's call for action resonates with the international community's responsibility to prevent civilian casualties and maintain regional stability. The EU's foreign policy chief emphasized that civilians are paying a high price for the ongoing conflict, underscoring the human cost of the escalating tensions.

As the situation unfolds, the international community watches closely, hoping that diplomatic channels can be effectively utilized to de-escalate the conflict and prevent it from evolving into a full-scale war that could destabilize the entire region.

"If this is not a war situation, I don't know what you would call it."

Josep Borrell, EU foreign policy chief

This statement from Borrell encapsulates the gravity of the current circumstances and the urgent need for a concerted international response to the escalating crisis between Israel and Hezbollah.