
Malaysian ex-PM Najib's mysterious home detention order creates political puzzle


Former Malaysian leader Najib Razak claims special royal order lets him serve jail time at home. Current PM Anwar Ibrahim stays silent on this matter while courts prepare to review the case next month

Anwar Ibrahim‚ Malaysias PM wont comment about a special document that might let ex-leader Najib Razak stay home instead of jail. The whole thing is super-weird because its being looked at by courts right now (and nobody wants to talk about it)

Najib Razak who ran Malaysia from 09 till mid-2018 got caught up in that big 1MDB money thing: courts said he did wrong and gave him 12-yrs behind bars about 1.5 years ago. But heres the twist — the old king (who finished his job early this yr) cut that time in half. Malaysia does this cool thing where they swap kings every 5-yrs between nine royal families

Since spring-time Najib has been trying real hard to make govt show this special add-on paper he says the ex-king made. Its supposed to let him chill at his house instead of prison but nobody can find it. The whole system is kinda unique: like having rotating kings which isnt something you see everyday

In parliament today Anwar was like “cant talk about it cause its in court now.“ He did say he showed Najibs pardon request to the king cause thats fair — but he wasnt there when they cut the jail time down. “We gotta wait for court stuff to finish or till the new king says its ok to discuss this; right now its with Sultan Ibrahim for thinking about“

The courts gonna look at Najibs request right after new year. Last time they said no but now its different cause Najibs kid just told court he got that mystery paper from the old kings house. But dont expect any royal tea-spilling: the kings old state office said theyʼre keeping quiet till courts done with it

Samantha Blake


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