
Milei Slams UN as 'Leviathan', Rejects 'Pact for Future' at General Assembly


Argentina's President Javier Milei criticized the UN as a "Leviathan" monster at the General Assembly, rejecting its 'Pact for the Future'. He advocated for an "agenda of freedom" instead, accusing the organization of becoming powerless.

On September 24, 2024, Javier Milei, Argentina's libertarian President, delivered a contentious address at the United Nations General Assembly. The speech highlighted his critical stance towards the international organization and its recent initiatives.

Milei, born on October 22, 1970, and educated in economics at the University of Belgrano, characterized the UN as a "Leviathan" monster, referencing the sea creature from the Hebrew Bible. This comparison underscored his view of the organization as an overgrown entity overstepping its boundaries.

"It has become a multi-tentacled Leviathan that seeks to decide what each nation state should do and how the citizens of the world should live."

Milei's statement on the UN's role

The Argentine leader, representing the La Libertad Avanza party, rejected the UN's 'Pact for the Future', adopted two days prior. He labeled it as "socialist" and argued that the organization's purpose had become "distorted". Instead, Milei proposed an "agenda of freedom", aligning with his libertarian principles that emphasize individual liberty and limited government intervention.

Milei expressed concern about the UN's effectiveness, stating it had become "powerless" in its primary role of conflict prevention. This criticism comes at a time when the organization, founded in 1945 and now comprising 193 member states, faces challenges in addressing global issues.

The President's remarks extended to a broader critique of left-wing ideologies. He argued that such approaches often lead to restrictions on freedom when their models fail to align with human behavior.

Milei's controversial statements are not unprecedented. Prior to his political career, he worked as a television pundit and made headlines for his outspoken views, including criticism of Pope Francis, a fellow Argentine. However, since taking office in December 2023, efforts have been made to improve relations with the pontiff.

In Argentina, Milei is implementing stringent economic measures to address the country's ongoing financial challenges. As the leader of Latin America's third-largest economy, he aims to reduce the fiscal deficit through austerity policies. These actions, while potentially beneficial for long-term stability, have intensified the current recession.

Argentina's economic struggles are part of a larger pattern, with the country experiencing multiple crises since the 1980s. The peso, Argentina's currency, has faced significant devaluation, contributing to the nation's financial instability.

The UN General Assembly, an annual September gathering at the organization's New York City headquarters, serves as a platform for global leaders to address international issues. Milei's speech, delivered in one of the UN's six official languages, highlighted the ongoing debate about the role and effectiveness of international organizations in addressing complex global challenges.


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