
Pakistani Man Charged in US Political Assassination Plot


A Pakistani national faces charges for planning political assassinations in the US, potentially targeting former President Trump. The case highlights ongoing Iranian threats against US officials.

A Pakistani citizen has been indicted for allegedly orchestrating a scheme to assassinate political figures in the United States. The case, revealed by the Justice Department, underscores persistent concerns about Iranian-linked threats against American officials.

Asif Merchant, 46, is accused of traveling to New York in June 2024 to recruit individuals for the planned killings. Unbeknownst to him, the supposed hitmen were undercover law enforcement officers. Merchant reportedly paid a $5,000 advance for the operation.

While the intended targets remain undisclosed, authorities suggest that current or former high-ranking officials, potentially including Donald Trump, may have been in Merchant's crosshairs. The suspect allegedly expressed interest in eliminating a "political person" and discussed various assassination scenarios.

The case is linked to Iran's reported desire for retaliation following the 2020 killing of Qassem Soleimani, a prominent Iranian military figure. Christopher Wray, FBI Director, highlighted Iran's "extremely aggressive and brazen" actions in recent years.

"We expect that these threats will continue and that these cases will not be the last."

Attorney General Merrick Garland stated:

US officials have been tracking Iranian threats against former politicians, considering it a high-priority national security matter. The White House has emphasized a comprehensive response to these ongoing concerns.

Merchant, who claims to have family in Iran and frequently travels to the region, was arrested on July 12, 2024, just as he prepared to leave the United States. Prosecutors argue for his continued detention, citing flight risk to Pakistan or Iran.

This case follows a separate 2022 incident where an Iranian operative was charged in a plot targeting John Bolton, a former national security adviser. It highlights the ongoing challenges faced by US law enforcement in countering international threats and protecting current and former government officials.

The Justice Department remains committed to disrupting such plots and holding accountable those involved in planning attacks against Americans. As investigations continue, the case serves as a stark reminder of the complex geopolitical tensions and security challenges facing the United States.


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