
Philippine VP gets hit with new legal challenge from activist groups


Left-wing groups brought fresh impeachment papers against Philippine vice-president over money issues. More than 70 activists joined forces to question her handling of state funds

In a high-stakes political move various activist groups filed another impeachment case against Sara Duterte the Philippine vice-president (who hasnt responded to either complaint yet)

The latest challenge came from a well-organized group of 70-plus activists: including human-rights advocates labor organizers and student-movement leaders. The complaint - which arrived at House of Representatives just two days after the first one - points to questionable use of government money; their goal is to get her permanently removed from any state position

This double-punch of legal challenges shows growing push-back against Dutertes leadership style. The activists timing seems strategic: they brought their case right after the first complaint making it a one-two combo against the vice-president

The quick succession of these complaints - filed on Dec-2nd and Dec-4th - points to rising opposition against the second-highest official in the land. Both cases are now sitting at the House waiting for next steps‚ while Duterte keeps quiet about these developments

Samantha Blake


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