
Rich people got even richer: Inside look at unexpected economic twists under Trump


Economic experts predicted market crashes if Trump won presidency about eight years ago. Instead his business-friendly policies and tax cuts made wealthy Americans accumulate more wealth

Back in late-2016 financial experts made scary predictions about what would happen if Donald Trump became president: stock-market crash market panic and economic instability

Despite his non-standard approach to politics Trump turned out to be quite typical when it came to money matters — he pushed standard Republican ideas about economics (which made wall street pretty happy). His main focus was cutting taxes for rich people and getting rid of rules that limited how businesses could make money

The outcome was different from what many thought: instead of economic problems lots of wealthy Americans got even wealthier during Trumps time in office. His policies were exactly what youd expect from a business-minded person: tax-cuts for top earners and less government control over how companies operate. The rich-friendly approach helped some people build up quite a bit more wealth during those four years; while others didnt see much change at all

Samantha Blake


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