
Russian Military Blogger Jailed for Criticizing War Leadership


A Russian military blogger received a 6.5-year sentence for spreading "false information" about the armed forces. Despite supporting the war, his criticism of military leadership led to his arrest.

A Russian military blogger has been sentenced to imprisonment for disseminating information deemed false about the country's armed forces. Andrei Kurshin, who operated the "Moscow Calling" Telegram channel, received a 6.5-year sentence in a penal colony after being found guilty of the charges.

Kurshin's channel, while supportive of Russia's military objectives in Ukraine, criticized the leadership's conduct of the campaign. This case highlights the fine line between permissible and prohibited commentary on Russia's military operations.

The Institute for the Study of War, a US-based think tank, described Kurshin as a "fringe ultra-nationalist" who had exceeded the boundaries of acceptable criticism of Russia's war effort. His arrest occurred approximately one year ago, in August 2023.

This case underscores the Russian government's tightening control over information related to its military intervention in Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022. The authorities have been increasingly targeting critics of military operations, with many bloggers and journalists facing prosecution for their coverage of the conflict.

"Andrei Kurshin has been found guilty of spreading false information about the armed forces and sentenced to six-and-a-half years in a penal colony."

Statement from Russian state investigators

The use of Telegram channels as a significant source of information and commentary on the Ukraine conflict has become prevalent. However, this case demonstrates the risks associated with expressing dissenting views, even for those who generally support the government's objectives.

Russia's strict laws against "discrediting" the armed forces have led to severe legal consequences for those deemed to be spreading "false information." This term is often used in Russian law to prosecute voices that diverge from the official narrative.

The role of Russian military bloggers, or "milbloggers," in reporting on the Ukraine conflict has been significant. However, Kurshin's case serves as a reminder of the limits placed on their freedom of expression, even when they support the overall aims of the military campaign.


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