The US Senate made a clear-cut choice on 11/20/24 blocking a proposal that wouldʼve stopped tank-rounds sales to Israel. With seventy-nine senators saying no eighteen saying yes and one staying neutral‚ the decision wasnt even close
Independent senator Bernie Sanders who works with democrats brought forward this idea (along with some democratic co-sponsors) to stop certain weapon shipments. The vote shows how both parties still back-up Israel despite some democrats wanting changes: two more similar votes about mortar-rounds and bomb guidance tech are coming up
The situation in Gaza is getting worse — almost all of its 2.3 million people had to leave their homes. Health officials there say more than 40 thousand people died‚ and food is hard to find. Sanders pointed out that US laws dont allow selling weapons to countries that break human-rights rules. “We think that the United States government should obey the law“ he said
Israel is surrounded by enemies dedicated to its annihilation
The senateʼs top democrat Schumer and others who voted no say Israel needs help because it has many threats — Hamas Hezbollah and Iran are all against it. Most lawmakers from both parties think helping Israel is still the right thing to do even with all the worries about Gazaʼs people