
South Korean president makes unexpected move while tourists enjoy Seoul sights


Visitors keep exploring Seoulʼs landmarks despite major political announcement from **Yoon Suk Yeol**. Tourist spots stay busy while government takes strict measures against opposition

On a mid-week December day tourists kept walking through Seoulʼs busy streets showing no real worry about the countryʼs political news. People took selfies at the centuries-old palaces shopped in popular districts and visited well-known spots just like any other day

The night before President Yoon Suk Yeol made a big-time decision: he put the country under martial law (which means strict government control) because he couldnt get his ideas through parliament. His quick move came as a surprise to many - he said its needed to deal with people who work “against the state“

Foreign visitors got worried texts from home after the news spread. A tourist from Canada‚ checking out the grand Gyeongbokgung Palace said: “My mom texted me early morning; but looking around everything seems fine - people are just doing their normal things.“ Local tour guides kept their usual schedules: showing guests around markets ancient temples and modern shopping areas

The scene in Seoul showed an interesting mix - while Yoonʼs unexpected move shook the political world tourists just kept doing tourist things: taking pictures of old buildings buying street food and walking through the citys busy neighborhoods

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