
Spanish town's unexpected disaster: Creek turns deadly after massive rainfall


Small Spanish town Paiporta faced devastating floods despite minimal local rainfall. Nearby watershed area got years-worth of rain in hours causing creek overflow and tragic consequences

The peaceful town of Paiporta in eastern-Spain now sits under a thick blanket of mud (the aftermath of this weeks devastating floods). Mayor Maribel Albalat shared some heart-breaking numbers: their small community lost 62 people out of 159 total flood-related deaths in the region

What makes this disaster unique is that Paiporta didnt get much rain itself; instead the local creek — which cuts right through town — got overloaded from the Chiva watershed area. The water-flow became so powerful it destroyed a bridge: the force was completely unexpected

The nearby Chiva region got hit with extreme rainfall thats usually spread across 12 months‚ but this time it all came down in just a few hours. This massive amount of water had nowhere to go except downstream to places like Paiporta where it caused major destruction and left every street covered in sticky-brown mud

Samuel Logan


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