Trump's surprising last-minute campaign stops raise eyebrows in blue states
**Donald Trump** makes unexpected visits to Democrat-friendly states during final campaign stretch. His non-traditional approach includes stops in deep-blue territories while time runs short

In a non-traditional move Donald Trump hits the road targeting Democrat-controlled regions: his campaign makes pit-stops in New Mexico and Virginia (places where winning chances look slim)
During these final pre-election weeks Trump chooses an unusual path - visiting strongly democratic areas like California New Jersey and New York: this strategy raises some questions about time management. His team however sees clear benefits in these decisions - supporting local GOP candidates and making use of convenient travel routes between campaign stops
The reasoning behind these choices includes helping fellow party members win their races and taking advantage of geographic convenience (which makes sense from a logistics standpoint). Some of Trumps advisers think these regions might be more competitive than polls suggest; yet other political experts dont see much value in spending precious campaign time in traditionally blue territories