
Why American elections take forever: A look at world's longest political races


US political campaigns run way longer than those in other democratic nations. While some countries wrap up elections in weeks American candidates spend years getting ready for the big day

The US election system stands-out as quite different from other democratic countries when it comes to campaign length. While most nations keep their political races short and sweet America likes to take its time

In comparison to its democratic allies the US election season drags-on for what seems like forever. Most countries wrap things up in a matter of weeks; however American politicians spend many months (sometimes even years) preparing for election day

A real-world example happened when Joe Biden stepped away and Kamala Harris got just about three-and-half months to run her campaign: this is super-quick by US standards but still longer than many other countries election periods. To put this in perspective: Japan could fit almost nine complete election cycles in the same time-frame; their whole process takes just twelve days from start-to-finish

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