
Wisconsin Reports 30 Suspected Voter Fraud Cases in Latest Election Cycle


Wisconsin election officials referred 30 instances of suspected voter fraud to prosecutors over the past year. Most cases involved double voting, with a slight decrease from the previous year's report.

In a recent report, Wisconsin election officials disclosed 30 instances of suspected voter fraud and irregularities referred to prosecutors between July 1, 2023, and September 12, 2024. This data, compiled by the Wisconsin Election Commission, is set to be approved on October 6, 2024, as part of an annual report to the state legislature.

The majority of the referrals, 18 in total, involved cases of individuals voting twice. Milwaukee County reported the highest number of such incidents, with seven cases during the 2024 spring election and eight in the 2023 spring election. In these instances, individuals cast both in-person absentee and mail-in absentee ballots.

Other counties also reported double voting cases. Douglas County and Kenosha County each reported one case in the 2024 spring election, while Calumet County reported a single instance in the 2024 partisan primary. Additionally, Kenosha County referred six cases of felons registering to vote in the 2024 spring election.

It's important to note that these cases represent a minimal fraction of Wisconsin's voting population. As of 2022, the state's voting-age population stood at approximately 4.7 million. This puts the reported irregularities into perspective, highlighting the rarity of such incidents in the broader context of Wisconsin's electoral system.

The report marks a slight decrease from the previous year, which saw 44 cases referred to district attorneys between June 25, 2022, and June 30, 2023. This reduction suggests that existing safeguards and vigilance in the electoral process may be having a positive impact.

Wisconsin's electoral system, like many in the United States, is characterized by its decentralized nature. The state boasts over 1,800 local clerks, each overseeing their respective jurisdictions. This decentralization serves as a natural safeguard against large-scale fraud attempts, making it extremely challenging to orchestrate widespread vote manipulation that could significantly impact election outcomes.

"The nation's multilayered election processes provide many safeguards that keep voter fraud generally detectable and rare."

Statement from election administrators

Wisconsin's commitment to electoral integrity is deeply rooted in its history. The state was the first to ratify the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote, demonstrating its long-standing dedication to fair and inclusive elections. This tradition continues with the state's current efforts to maintain electoral integrity.

The state's unique characteristics add context to its electoral landscape. Known as "America's Dairyland," Wisconsin is famous for its cheese production, producing over 3 billion pounds annually. This agricultural heritage is complemented by a rich political history, including being the birthplace of the Republican Party in 1854 in the town of Ripon.

Wisconsin's diverse geography, from its 15,000 lakes to the unique "Driftless Area" untouched by glaciers, mirrors the complexity of its electoral system. Just as the state's natural features have been shaped over time, so too has its approach to ensuring fair and accurate elections.

As Wisconsin continues to address these isolated cases of suspected fraud, it does so against the backdrop of a state deeply committed to democratic principles and the integrity of its electoral process. The ongoing vigilance and transparency demonstrated by these reports serve to reinforce public trust in the system, ensuring that Wisconsin's elections remain a true reflection of the will of its citizens.


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