Alleged Coup Plotters Detained in Benin Amid Political Tensions

Two close associates of Benin's President face charges of plotting a coup. The case highlights concerns about political stability in the West African nation known for its democratic traditions.

October 2 2024, 10:32 AM  •  235 views

Alleged Coup Plotters Detained in Benin Amid Political Tensions

In a significant development in Benin, two individuals with close ties to President Patrice Talon have been remanded in custody following allegations of orchestrating a coup attempt. This event has sent shockwaves through the small West African nation, known for its relatively stable democratic history.

Olivier Boko, a businessman and longtime friend of President Talon, and Oswald Homeky, a former sports minister, are facing serious charges. According to their lawyer, Ayodele Ahounou, the accusations include "conspiracy against state security, corruption of public funds and money laundering."

The alleged coup plot involved an attempt to bribe the commander responsible for the president's security. Homeky was reportedly apprehended while in the act of handing over six bags of money to the head of the Republican Guard. Boko, often referred to as Talon's "right-hand man," is suspected of being the mastermind behind the scheme.


This incident has brought attention to Benin's political landscape. The country, which gained independence from France in 1960, has been regarded as one of Africa's most stable democracies. However, concerns have been raised about President Talon's tenure since taking office in 2016.

Critics argue that Talon has been using the justice system to target political opponents, particularly after implementing changes to electoral rules in 2021 that consolidated his power. Despite these concerns, Talon has publicly committed to not seeking a third term in the upcoming 2026 election, adhering to Benin's constitutional limit of two presidential terms.

"Homeky was caught on Tuesday while allegedly handing over six bags of money to the head of the Republican Guard."

Special Prosecutor Elonm Mario Metonou stated:

The arrest of Boko and Homeky has sparked discussions about Benin's political future. Boko's recent expression of interest in the 2026 presidential race adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

As Benin grapples with this alleged coup attempt, it's worth noting the country's rich history and ongoing challenges. With a population of approximately 12 million, Benin has been working to diversify its economy beyond its reliance on cotton exports. The nation is also home to significant cultural heritage, including the UNESCO World Heritage site of Porto-Novo Stilt Village.

While Benin has made strides in combating corruption and improving governance, this recent event underscores the ongoing challenges in maintaining political stability. As a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Benin's political developments are likely to be closely watched by neighboring countries and the international community.

As the legal proceedings against Boko and Homeky unfold, many will be observing how this case impacts Benin's democratic institutions and its reputation as a bastion of stability in West Africa.