Biden and Harris Net Worth: Debunking Viral Claims of Massive Increase

Recent social media posts falsely claim a quadrupling of Biden and Harris' wealth. Fact-check reveals modest increases primarily due to property appreciation, with no evidence of corruption.

September 9 2024, 05:51 PM  •  490 views

Biden and Harris Net Worth: Debunking Viral Claims of Massive Increase

Recent social media posts have circulated misleading information about the net worth of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, falsely claiming their wealth has increased more than fourfold since 2019. A thorough fact-check reveals these assertions are unfounded and lack evidence of any corrupt practices.

According to Forbes estimates, Biden's net worth has seen a modest increase from $9 million in 2019 to $10 million in 2023. This growth is primarily attributed to the appreciation of his two Delaware properties, which are now valued at approximately $7 million combined. It's worth noting that Delaware, known as "The First State," holds historical significance as the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

Similarly, Harris and her husband, Doug Emhoff, have experienced a slight increase in their net worth, rising from $6 million in 2019 to $8 million in 2024. This $2 million growth is largely due to the increased value of their Los Angeles home. San Francisco, where the couple also owns property, is renowned for its high real estate prices.

It's important to understand that both the President and Vice President are required to file financial disclosure reports with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE). These reports provide transparency and help prevent conflicts of interest. The President's annual salary is $400,000, while the Vice President earns $235,100 per year.

Biden's financial history shows that he and his wife Jill earned over $15 million in the two years following his vice presidency, primarily from speaking engagements and book deals. This practice is common among former high-ranking officials and does not indicate any impropriety.

Harris' net worth has been influenced by her husband's successful legal career, as well as their real estate investments. The couple owns homes in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C., with a combined value of $5.8 million before accounting for debt in 2019.

It's crucial to note that the increases in both Biden's and Harris' net worth are consistent with broader trends in property values across major U.S. cities over the past decade. There is no evidence to suggest any unusual financial gains or corrupt practices during their time in office.

In conclusion, the viral claims of a massive increase in the net worth of President Biden and Vice President Harris are unfounded. Their wealth has grown modestly, primarily due to property appreciation, which is a common occurrence for many Americans. As misinformation continues to spread on social media, the importance of fact-checking and relying on credible sources cannot be overstated.