Bomb Attack on Bus in Northern Pakistan Claims Three Lives

A roadside explosion in Kohistan district, Pakistan, killed three people, including two security officials. The incident occurred on a bus en route to a major hydropower project site.

September 2 2024, 01:51 PM  •  863 views

Bomb Attack on Bus in Northern Pakistan Claims Three Lives

In a recent incident in northern Pakistan, a roadside explosive device detonated as a bus passed by, resulting in the loss of three lives. The event occurred on September 2, 2024, in the Kohistan district, situated within the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Local law enforcement officials reported that among the deceased were two security personnel. Additionally, one passenger sustained injuries in the attack. The bus was traveling to Dasu, the location of Pakistan's most significant hydroelectric power initiative, which is being developed with Chinese collaboration.


The Dasu Hydropower Project, currently under construction on the Indus River, is expected to generate 4,320 MW of electricity upon completion. This project is part of Pakistan's broader efforts to address its ongoing energy crisis and is a key component of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which falls under China's Belt and Road Initiative.

While no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack, suspicions are likely to fall on the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban. This group has maintained a strong presence in the area and has intensified its operations against security forces in recent years.

The TTP, formed in 2007 as an umbrella organization for various militant groups, is distinct from but allied with the Afghan Taliban. Their activities have been particularly pronounced since the Afghan Taliban's ascension to power in Afghanistan in August 2021, which occurred approximately 3 years and 1 month ago.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, bordering Afghanistan, has long been a focal point of insurgent activities in Pakistan. The region's rugged, mountainous terrain, particularly in districts like Kohistan, has posed significant challenges for security operations. Over the past decades, the Pakistani military has conducted numerous campaigns against militant groups in this northwestern region.

This recent attack underscores the ongoing security challenges faced by Pakistan, especially in areas where major development projects are underway. The incident may potentially impact the progress of the Dasu Hydropower Project and other infrastructure initiatives that are crucial for Pakistan's economic growth and energy security.

As investigations continue, authorities will likely enhance security measures along transportation routes and at project sites to prevent future attacks and ensure the safety of workers and local communities.