China's Largest Civilian Cargo Drone Takes Flight, Boosting Low-Altitude Economy

China's biggest unmanned cargo aircraft completed its inaugural flight, marking a significant step in the country's low-altitude economy. The drone, with a 2-ton payload capacity, flew for 20 minutes in Sichuan province.

August 12 2024, 02:52 PM  •  9238 views

China's Largest Civilian Cargo Drone Takes Flight, Boosting Low-Altitude Economy

China has achieved a significant milestone in its pursuit of a thriving low-altitude economy with the successful inaugural flight of its largest unmanned cargo aircraft designed for civilian use. The twin-engine drone, developed by Sichuan Tengden Sci-tech Innovation Co., completed a 20-minute flight in Sichuan province on August 11, 2024.

This achievement underscores China's position as the world's leading drone manufacturer and its commitment to advancing autonomous aerial vehicle (UAV) technology. The new cargo drone boasts impressive specifications:

  • Payload capacity: 2 metric tons
  • Wingspan: 16.1 meters (52.8 feet)
  • Height: 4.6 meters (15 feet)

Notably, this aircraft is slightly larger than the Cessna 172, the world's most popular light aircraft, which has seen over 44,000 units produced.


The development of this unmanned cargo aircraft is part of China's broader strategy to build a robust low-altitude economy. The concept, first introduced in the early 2010s, has gained significant traction, with the government now projecting a 2-trillion-yuan ($279-billion) industry by 2030 – a fourfold expansion from 2023.

Recent months have seen a flurry of activity in China's drone sector:

  • June 2024: Maiden flight of the HH-100 cargo drone (700 kg payload, 520 km range)
  • April 2024: EHang Holdings received China's first production certificate for a passenger-carrying drone
  • May 2024: Phoenix Wings, a subsidiary of SF Express, began fruit deliveries using Fengzhou-90 drones

The government's support for the drone industry has been evident since 2016, with initiatives including the release of national standards for express delivery drones in 2019. This backing has led to rapid growth, with over 2,000 enterprises engaged in UAV design or manufacture by 2023.

DJI, a privately held company, remains the global leader in consumer drones, controlling approximately 70% of the market. However, the focus is now shifting towards larger, more capable drones for various applications.

"We plan to test our largest cargo drone, the TP2000, next year. It will have a payload capacity of 2 tons and a range of 2,000 kilometers, further expanding the possibilities for autonomous aerial logistics."

**Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) spokesperson

The integration of drones into China's air traffic management system and the development of swarm drone technology for both civilian and military use highlight the country's comprehensive approach to UAV advancement.

As China continues to push the boundaries of drone technology, the impact is being felt across various sectors. In agriculture, for instance, the use of drones has led to crop yield increases of up to 5%. With Shenzhen emerging as the "drone capital" of China and the low-altitude economy gaining momentum, the future of autonomous aerial vehicles in the country looks promising.


This latest achievement in unmanned cargo aircraft not only demonstrates China's technological prowess but also signals a new era in aerial logistics and the low-altitude economy. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to observe how these advancements reshape transportation, delivery services, and various other sectors in the coming years.