Democratic Convention's Choreographed Sign-Waving: Behind the Scenes

At the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a meticulously planned sign-waving operation unfolds, coordinating thousands of placards to create a synchronized backdrop for speakers.

August 21 2024, 12:09 AM  •  4822 views

Democratic Convention's Choreographed Sign-Waving: Behind the Scenes

The 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago has showcased a carefully orchestrated sign-waving operation, transforming the United Center into a sea of coordinated messages. This event marks the 11th time Chicago has hosted the convention, more than any other city in the United States.

At the heart of this operation is Shelia Smoot, who manages the Alabama delegation's sign choreography with military precision. As speakers take the stage, Smoot directs her team based on cues received through a landline phone, affectionately dubbed the "Bat Phone" - a term originating from the 1960s Batman TV series.

"We don't know who is coming up until the Bat Phone rings."

Shelia Smoot explaining the process

The sign distribution process involves a complex system of preapproved designs, a single longtime vendor, and nearly 300 volunteers. This operation has been led by the same individual for almost three decades, since Bill Clinton's reelection campaign in 1996.

Delegates from various states approach the task differently. While some, like Alabama, follow strict instructions, others rely on intuition. Ryan Middleton, a delegate from Maryland running for Prince George's County Council, explained his approach:


"There's no directions or anything like that. It's kind of intuition."

The convention features tens of thousands of signs, some assembled by union workers at IUOE Local 399 in Chicago. This reflects the Democratic Party's long-standing relationship with labor unions, symbolized by the party's donkey emblem used since the 1870s.

Notable moments during the convention included the appearance of Jill Biden, who became First Lady in January 2021, and Steve Kerr, the Golden State Warriors coach who recently led the U.S. men's basketball team to Olympic gold in Paris.

Despite meticulous planning, the operation faced challenges. Rumors circulated about a potential delay in the arrival of "WE ♥ JOE" signs, crucial for President Biden's introduction. However, volunteers swiftly distributed the signs, ensuring a seamless visual display.

This behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Democratic National Convention reveals the intricate planning and execution required to create the iconic imagery associated with these political events. From the first televised convention in 1948 to today's highly choreographed productions, these gatherings continue to play a crucial role in American politics.