Denmark's Former Queen Margrethe II Recovers from Fall, Cancels Engagements

Denmark's ex-Queen Margrethe II, 84, discharged after hospital stay due to fall. Injuries include neck vertebrae damage and hand fracture, leading to cancelled public appearances during recovery.

September 20 2024, 02:34 PM  •  490 views

Denmark's Former Queen Margrethe II Recovers from Fall, Cancels Engagements

Denmark's former monarch, Queen Margrethe II, has been released from a Copenhagen hospital following a fall at Fredensborg Castle. The 84-year-old royal sustained injuries to her neck vertebrae and a fractured left hand, necessitating the use of a neck brace and hand cast for the coming months.

The incident occurred on the evening of September 18, 2024, resulting in Queen Margrethe II's admission to the university hospital in Copenhagen for observation. Despite the setback, palace officials report that the former queen is in good spirits and recovering well, though she will require an extended period of convalescence.

As a consequence of her injuries, several of Queen Margrethe II's public engagements have been cancelled. The royal household has emphasized the need for a prolonged recovery period, indicating that the former monarch's schedule will be adjusted accordingly.


This health incident comes just months after Queen Margrethe II's historic abdication in January 2024. Her decision to step down from the throne after a 52-year reign marked the first abdication in Denmark in nearly nine centuries. The former queen cited the toll of time and health concerns as primary factors in her decision to pass the crown to her son, now King Frederik X.

Queen Margrethe II's reign, which began in 1972, was notable for her multifaceted talents and contributions. As a trained archaeologist, she participated in several excavations, bringing a unique perspective to her role as monarch. Her linguistic abilities, including fluency in Danish, French, English, Swedish, and German, facilitated international relations throughout her tenure.

The former queen's artistic pursuits have been widely recognized. She has illustrated several books, including a Danish edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings," which she also translated. Her creative endeavors extended to costume design and painting, showcasing her diverse talents.

Queen Margrethe II's reign was characterized by her commitment to both tradition and modernity. As the first female monarch of Denmark since the 15th century, she navigated her role with a blend of regal dignity and personal flair, known for her colorful and distinctive style.

Throughout her time on the throne, Queen Margrethe II received numerous international awards and honors, reflecting her global influence. Her membership in the International Olympic Committee further demonstrated her engagement with international affairs beyond traditional royal duties.

As Denmark's former monarch recovers from her recent fall, her legacy as a multifaceted and dedicated ruler continues to resonate. The nation watches with concern and well-wishes as Queen Margrethe II embarks on this period of recovery, her resilience and spirit undimmed by the challenges of age and health.