Detroit Judge Faces Training After Controversial Treatment of Teen Visitor

A Detroit judge ordered a teenage girl into jail attire during a field trip, prompting his temporary removal from criminal cases. The incident sparked criticism and calls for judicial conduct review.

August 15 2024, 11:01 PM  •  478 views

Detroit Judge Faces Training After Controversial Treatment of Teen Visitor

In a recent incident that has sparked controversy in Detroit, Judge Kenneth King has been temporarily removed from his criminal case docket following his treatment of a teenage visitor to his courtroom. The event, which occurred on August 13, 2024, has raised questions about judicial conduct and the appropriate handling of youth in courtroom settings.

The 36th District Court, one of the busiest judicial institutions in the United States, found itself at the center of attention when Judge King ordered a 15-year-old girl into jail clothes and handcuffs during a field trip organized by The Greening of Detroit, an environmental non-profit founded in 1989. The judge's actions were reportedly in response to the teenager falling asleep during the court visit.

William McConico, the chief judge of the 36th District Court, announced on August 15, 2024, that Judge King would undergo "necessary training to address the underlying issues that contributed to this incident." This decision, approved by the State Court Administrative Office, which oversees Michigan's courts, underscores the seriousness with which the court system is treating the matter.


The incident has highlighted the delicate balance between maintaining courtroom decorum and ensuring a respectful environment for all visitors, especially minors. Field trips to courtrooms are common educational experiences, designed to familiarize students with the legal system. However, this particular visit took an unexpected turn.

Latoreya Till, the mother of the affected teenager, Eva Goodman, expressed her distress over the situation. "My daughter is hurt. She is feeling scared," Till stated, providing context to her daughter's circumstances, including their lack of permanent residence, which contributed to the girl's fatigue during the court visit.

"I wanted this to look and feel very real to her, even though there's probably no real chance of me putting her in jail."

Judge Kenneth King's explanation

Judge King, who has served on the bench since 2006, attempted to justify his actions as a lesson in respect. However, his methods have been widely criticized. Marissa Ebersole Wood, chairperson of The Greening of Detroit, commented, "Although the judge was trying to teach a lesson of respect, his methods were unacceptable."

This incident brings to light several important issues, including the impact of sleep deprivation on teenage behavior, the role of judges in maintaining courtroom order, and the broader implications for public perception of the justice system. It also raises questions about the appropriate ways to engage youth in learning about the legal system without resorting to intimidation or punitive measures.

As Detroit, a city founded in 1701 and known for its resilience in the face of economic challenges, continues to address various social and judicial issues, this incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for sensitivity and appropriate conduct in all aspects of the legal system, especially when dealing with young and vulnerable individuals.

The temporary removal of Judge King from his criminal case docket pending training reflects the court's commitment to maintaining high standards of judicial conduct. As the situation unfolds, it will likely prompt further discussions on best practices for judicial interactions with youth and the importance of creating positive educational experiences within the courtroom setting.