German Warship's Star Wars Theme Sparks Intrigue on Thames Visit

A German naval vessel played the "Imperial March" from Star Wars while cruising the River Thames, causing a stir. The navy clarified it was simply the commander's musical choice, not a political statement.

August 22 2024, 07:26 PM  •  799 views

German Warship's Star Wars Theme Sparks Intrigue on Thames Visit

A German naval vessel recently drew attention during its visit to London, not for its military prowess, but for its musical choices. The warship Braunschweig, while navigating the River Thames, played the iconic "Imperial March" from the Star Wars films, famously associated with the character Darth Vader.

The incident, which occurred on Monday, August 19, 2024, quickly gained traction on social media platforms. Bystanders captured videos of the unexpected musical performance, leading to widespread speculation and amusement.


In response to the growing interest, the German navy issued a statement on Thursday, August 22, 2024, clarifying that there was "no deeper message" behind the music selection. They emphasized that the ship's commander has the freedom to choose the music played during such occasions.

The Braunschweig, named after a city in Lower Saxony with a history dating back to the 9th century, is part of Germany's newest class of ocean-going corvettes. Corvettes are typically the smallest warships in a navy's fleet, showcasing the versatility of modern naval forces.

Interestingly, this wasn't the only musical surprise from the Braunschweig. Upon its arrival in London, the ship played "London Calling," the 1979 hit by British punk rock band The Clash. This song choice added another layer of intrigue, given its historical connections to the BBC World Service's wartime station identification.

"The commander is a big 'Star Wars' fan and an admirer of the legendary musical scores of John Williams. He chooses a different Williams tune whenever his ship is visiting a foreign harbor."

German Embassy in London statement

The German Embassy in London, which has been at its current location since 1867, provided additional context. They revealed that the ship's commander is an enthusiast of both Star Wars and the musical compositions of John Williams, who has scored over 100 films and won 25 Grammy Awards.

This visit marked the Braunschweig's second trip to the British capital. As it departed, a tugboat guided the warship down the river near Tower Bridge, a structure completed in 1894. Sailors stood on deck, though humorously, the article notes they were without lightsabers – the iconic weapons first introduced in the 1977 film "Star Wars: A New Hope."

While the incident sparked curiosity and amusement, it also highlighted the rich cultural exchanges that can occur during routine naval operations. The German Navy, founded in 1956 and currently operating about 65 commissioned ships, continues to engage in training exercises and diplomatic visits, fostering international relations through unexpected means – including the universal language of music.