Iraq Condemns Base Attacks, Captures Rocket Launcher Amid Regional Tensions

Iraq's military denounces attacks on its bases and seizes a rocket launcher following an incident at Ain al-Asad. The country navigates complex alliances as regional conflicts escalate.

August 6 2024, 11:46 AM  •  8865 views

Iraq Condemns Base Attacks, Captures Rocket Launcher Amid Regional Tensions

On August 6, 2024, Iraq's military issued a statement condemning "reckless" actions against bases within its territory. This declaration came in the wake of an attack on Ain al-Asad air base, one of the country's largest and oldest military installations, which has been utilized by U.S. forces since 2003.

The incident, occurring on August 5, reportedly resulted in injuries to at least five U.S. personnel, although the Iraqi military did not confirm this detail. Two rockets were launched from the nearby town of Haditha, located in Anbar Province, a region once known as a stronghold for Sunni insurgents.

In response to the attack, Iraqi forces successfully captured a small truck equipped with a rocket launcher and dismantled eight unfired rockets. The military statement emphasized their commitment to pursuing the perpetrators and bringing them to justice, highlighting the ongoing efforts to enhance intelligence and counterterrorism capabilities.


This event underscores the complex geopolitical landscape Iraq navigates, maintaining alliances with both the United States and Iran. The country hosts approximately 2,500 U.S. troops in an advisory capacity, following the official end of the U.S. combat mission in December 2021. Simultaneously, Iran-backed militias, some of which are integrated into Iraq's security forces through the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), maintain a significant presence.

The attack on Ain al-Asad is not unprecedented. In January 2020, Iran launched missiles at the base in retaliation for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. Since then, Iraq has witnessed periodic rocket and drone attacks on military bases hosting U.S. troops, often attributed to Iran-backed militias.

The current situation is further complicated by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which began in October 2023. This war has heightened tensions throughout the Middle East, leading to an escalation of tit-for-tat attacks in the region.

Iraq's government continues to face challenges in balancing its relationships with the U.S. and Iran. Despite a 2020 parliamentary vote to expel U.S. troops, the decision has not been fully implemented, reflecting the intricate nature of Iraq's foreign policy considerations.

As the situation develops, Iraq's military remains committed to protecting its sovereignty and maintaining stability. The country's unique position as an ally to both the U.S. and Iran continues to shape its response to regional conflicts and internal security challenges.

"We reject all reckless actions and practices targeting Iraqi bases, diplomatic missions, and the whereabouts of the international coalition's advisers, and everything that would raise tension in the region."

Iraqi Military Statement