Israeli Strikes in Syria Result in 14 Fatalities and Over 40 Injuries

Israeli airstrikes in central Syria have resulted in 14 deaths and over 40 injuries. The attacks targeted multiple areas, including a scientific research center, amid ongoing tensions in the region.

September 9 2024, 07:10 AM  •  677 views

Israeli Strikes in Syria Result in 14 Fatalities and Over 40 Injuries

On September 8, 2024, Israeli forces conducted a series of airstrikes in central Syria, resulting in 14 fatalities and more than 40 injuries, according to Syrian state media reports. The attacks targeted various locations, including a scientific research facility in Masyaf and areas allegedly housing Iranian-backed groups.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring organization established in 2006, reported that at least four civilians were among the deceased. The strikes caused significant damage, including fires and destruction to a highway in Hama province. Local media also mentioned attacks near Tartous, a coastal city that hosts Russia's only Mediterranean naval base.

These recent strikes are part of a long-standing pattern of Israeli military operations in Syria, which have been ongoing since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011. Israel rarely acknowledges these actions publicly, maintaining a policy of ambiguity regarding its military operations that dates back to the 1960s.


The primary objective of these operations appears to be the prevention of Iranian entrenchment in Syria. Iran, a major ally of Syria since the 1980s, has been supporting the Syrian government throughout the civil war. Israel views this Iranian presence as a significant threat, particularly due to Syria's role as a key route for supplying weapons to Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group founded in 1985.

The situation is further complicated by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, an organization established in 1987 during the First Intifada. For the past 11 months, Hezbollah has been engaging in clashes with Israeli forces, coinciding with Israel's military campaign against Hamas in Gaza.

Syria's coastal region, including Tartous, remains a stronghold of the Assad government. The country has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011, resulting in widespread destruction and displacement. The conflict has also drawn in various international actors, including Russia, which maintains a significant military presence in the country.

These recent strikes highlight the complex web of regional tensions and conflicts that continue to plague the Middle East. As Israel persists in its efforts to counter Iranian influence and Hezbollah's capabilities, the Syrian population finds itself caught in the crossfire of these geopolitical struggles.

"14 were killed and 43 wounded."

Syrian state news agency SANA reported

The international community continues to monitor the situation closely, as these events have the potential to further destabilize an already volatile region. The ongoing conflicts underscore the need for diplomatic efforts to address the underlying issues and work towards a lasting peace in the area.