Kennedy's Presidential Bid Wanes: Potential Trump Endorsement Looms

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s struggling presidential campaign may end soon, with reports suggesting a possible Trump endorsement. The move's impact remains uncertain due to Kennedy's limited support base.

August 21 2024, 08:34 PM  •  676 views

Kennedy's Presidential Bid Wanes: Potential Trump Endorsement Looms

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s unconventional presidential campaign appears to be nearing its conclusion, with indications pointing towards a potential endorsement of former President Donald Trump. This development, while intriguing, may have limited impact on the overall race due to Kennedy's small support base.

Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and member of the prominent Kennedy political family, launched his independent campaign after initially running as a Democrat. Despite his family name recognition, Kennedy has struggled to gain significant traction, polling in single digits nationally and facing challenges in securing ballot access across various states.


The possibility of Kennedy endorsing Trump emerged following comments from his running mate on a podcast and subsequent reporting by The Washington Post. This potential alignment might occur during events scheduled in Arizona, where both Kennedy and Trump are set to appear.

Kennedy's campaign strategy seems to leverage his limited support as a bargaining chip with more viable candidates, potentially seeking commitments aligned with his agenda in exchange for his endorsement. However, the effectiveness of this approach remains questionable, given the uncertainty surrounding his supporters' loyalty.

Recent polling data provides insight into the potential impact of Kennedy's withdrawal. A Pew Research Center poll from August 2024 showed a significant shift in voter preferences after Vice President Kamala Harris replaced President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. This change resulted in a substantial reduction of Kennedy's support, with many of his previous backers moving to Harris.

"Harris has a three-point edge over Trump among registered voters when Kennedy is included — and a four-point edge when it's just her against Trump."

Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll findings

The Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll offers further insights, suggesting that Kennedy's supporters view Harris more favorably than Trump. However, a significant portion of Kennedy backers might choose to abstain from voting altogether if forced to choose between the two major party candidates.

It's crucial to note that Kennedy's campaign has been marked by controversy, including accusations of promoting conspiracy theories and facing criticism for alleged antisemitism and racism. These factors, combined with his family's public distancing from his campaign, have contributed to his limited appeal.

Kennedy's political journey has been unique, transitioning from environmental activism and founding the Waterkeeper Alliance to becoming a vocal critic of both major political parties. His campaign has focused on issues such as environmental protection and government reform, largely self-funded and supported by small donations.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the potential endorsement by Kennedy, while noteworthy, is unlikely to significantly alter the race between Harris and Trump. The limited size of Kennedy's support base means that even if he successfully transfers half of his supporters to Trump, it would likely result in only a marginal shift in national polling averages.

In conclusion, while Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s possible endorsement of Donald Trump marks an interesting development in the presidential race, its overall impact on the election outcome remains uncertain and potentially minimal.