Man Charged in Attacks on Students Near Pittsburgh Universities

A 52-year-old man faces multiple charges for assaults near University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. The incidents, occurring on consecutive days, are under investigation as potential hate crimes.

September 7 2024, 06:14 PM  •  1055 views

Man Charged in Attacks on Students Near Pittsburgh Universities

In a series of incidents that have shaken the academic community in Pittsburgh, a 52-year-old man named Jarrett Buba has been charged with multiple offenses for attacks near two prominent universities. The events, which occurred on consecutive days in late August 2023, have raised concerns about campus safety and potential hate crimes.

On August 30, 2023, Buba allegedly assaulted two Jewish students near the iconic Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh. The 42-story Gothic revival skyscraper, a symbol of the university founded in 1787, became the backdrop for a disturbing scene. The students, identifiable by their traditional yarmulkes, were reportedly struck from behind with a glass bottle. One victim sustained facial cuts, while the other suffered neck injuries from the shattered glass.


The day prior, on August 29, Buba was allegedly involved in another incident near Carnegie Mellon University, an institution established in 1900 by industrialist Andrew Carnegie. In this case, he is accused of throwing a bottle at two individuals associated with the university in the Oakland neighborhood, known for its concentration of educational and cultural institutions.

Law enforcement has taken these incidents seriously. The FBI's Pittsburgh field office, which has been operating since 1911, joined the investigation to explore the possibility of hate crimes. These are defined as offenses motivated by bias against protected characteristics, including religion.

Buba, who reportedly has no affiliation with either university, was wearing a kaffiyeh during the University of Pittsburgh incident. This traditional Middle Eastern headdress has increasingly become a symbol of solidarity with Palestinians, particularly in the context of the ongoing Gaza conflict.

The timing of these events is significant, occurring during the first week of the fall semester, typically a period of new beginnings and excitement for students. It also follows spring protests at the University of Pittsburgh related to the Gaza situation, highlighting the complex interplay of global issues and campus life.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, an organization serving the local Jewish community since 1912, has been in contact with university leaders. Similarly, the Hillel Jewish University Center, which supports Jewish students in Pittsburgh area colleges, has been involved in the response.

These incidents have prompted discussions about campus safety, the impact of global conflicts on local communities, and the importance of fostering an inclusive educational environment. As the legal process unfolds, the academic community in Pittsburgh continues to grapple with the implications of these events and work towards ensuring the safety and well-being of all students.

"This is an appalling incident."

University of Pittsburgh statement

The charges against Buba, including aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, and harassment, reflect the seriousness with which Pennsylvania law views such actions. As the investigation continues, the incidents serve as a stark reminder of the challenges facing diverse urban campuses and the ongoing need for vigilance and community solidarity.