NFL Debunks False Claims of Player Disqualification for Anthem Kneeling

Misinformation spreads on social media about NFL referees disqualifying players for kneeling during the national anthem. The league confirms the claim, originating from a satirical website, is false.

August 20 2024, 04:09 PM  •  683 views

NFL Debunks False Claims of Player Disqualification for Anthem Kneeling

The National Football League (NFL) has refuted claims circulating on social media that referees disqualified players for kneeling during the national anthem. This misinformation, stemming from a satirical website, has sparked discussions about player protests and league policies.

The false narrative originated from a headline published by SpaceXMania, a website known for its fictional content. The article, dated October 16, 2023, claimed that NFL officials had taken action against players participating in the symbolic gesture of kneeling during the anthem. However, Tim Schlittner, the NFL's director of communications, has explicitly stated that this information is untrue.

This controversy is rooted in the protest movement initiated by former quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016. Kaepernick's decision to kneel during the national anthem was a statement against racial injustice and police brutality, sparking a nationwide debate that continues to resonate in professional sports.


The NFL, founded in 1920, has a complex history with player protests and social justice issues. In 2018, the league attempted to implement a national anthem policy, which was later suspended after negotiations with the players' union. This demonstrates the ongoing challenge of balancing player expression with league regulations.

It's crucial to note that the NFL has not issued any recent statements indicating that players would face disqualification for kneeling during the anthem. The league's current commissioner, Roger Goodell, who has held the position since 2006, has navigated these sensitive issues throughout his tenure.

The spread of this misinformation highlights the importance of critical media consumption and fact-checking. As the NFL continues to address social justice concerns, it's essential for fans and the public to verify information from reliable sources.

"The post is false."

NFL Communications Statement

The NFL, with its 32 teams and millions of fans, remains a significant platform for discussions on social issues. As the league prepares for its upcoming season, it continues to balance its role as a sports organization with its impact on broader societal conversations.

This incident serves as a reminder of the power of social media in spreading both information and misinformation, particularly in the realm of professional sports and social activism. As the NFL evolves, so too does the conversation around player expression and league policies.