Passenger Arrested After Exiting Plane via Wing at Melbourne Airport

A man was apprehended after leaving a Jetstar flight through an emergency exit at Melbourne Airport, walking on the wing, and descending via the engine. The incident is under investigation.

August 22 2024, 04:28 PM  •  124 views

Passenger Arrested After Exiting Plane via Wing at Melbourne Airport

On August 22, 2024, an unusual incident occurred at Melbourne Airport, involving a passenger who exited a stationary aircraft in an unconventional and dangerous manner. The event took place after Jetstar Flight JQ507 had completed its journey from Sydney to Melbourne, one of the world's busiest air routes.

Upon arrival at the terminal gate, a male passenger opened the right-side emergency exit of the Airbus A320 aircraft. Instead of using the automatically deployed emergency slide, the individual chose to walk along the wing and descend to the tarmac via one of the jet engines. This action not only breached multiple safety protocols but also posed significant risks, considering that aircraft wings and engines are not designed for such maneuvers.

Eyewitnesses reported disruptive behavior from the passenger during the 90-minute flight. According to fellow traveler Audrey Varghese, the man exhibited erratic conduct shortly before opening the emergency hatch. Another passenger, identified as Maddison, stated that the individual had been vaping on board, which is prohibited on commercial flights, and had unsuccessfully demanded alcohol from the crew.


The Australian Federal Police (AFP) swiftly responded to the situation after being alerted by Jetstar staff. The man was arrested for alleged aggressive behavior and violating aircraft safety protocols. Following his apprehension, he was assessed by paramedics and subsequently transported to a hospital for further evaluation.

Melbourne Airport officials commended the quick response of ground crew and staff, emphasizing that their actions ensured there was no immediate danger to other passengers or airport personnel. The incident caused some disruption to normal operations, with baggage retrieval delayed due to the deployed emergency slide.

As of the latest update, the police investigation is ongoing, and charges are expected to be filed against the individual. This event serves as a reminder of the strict enforcement of aviation safety regulations and the potential consequences of violating them.

"The man was exhibiting some quite strange behavior. As soon as the plane had started coming to a stop, he immediately got up and basically charged to where the emergency exit row is, and in the process shoving people, causing a bit of commotion, (and) ripped open the emergency door."

Passenger Audrey Varghese stated

This incident highlights the importance of adhering to airline safety protocols and the potential risks associated with unauthorized actions on aircraft. It also underscores the critical role of airport security and the swift response capabilities of law enforcement agencies in managing such situations.