Pope Francis Begins Historic Visit to East Timor Amid Challenges

Pope Francis arrives in East Timor for a three-day visit, part of his longest overseas journey. The predominantly Catholic nation prepares for a massive open-air Mass amid economic struggles and recent Church scandals.

September 9 2024, 06:11 AM  •  2855 views

Pope Francis Begins Historic Visit to East Timor Amid Challenges

Pope Francis embarked on a significant three-day visit to East Timor on September 9, 2024, as part of his extensive 12-day tour across Southeast Asia and Oceania. The 87-year-old pontiff's arrival in Dili, the capital of this predominantly Catholic nation, marks a pivotal moment for the country's 1.3 million inhabitants.

Upon landing, Francis was greeted by President Jose Manuel Ramos-Horta and a group of students in traditional attire, who presented him with flowers and a tais, a ceremonial woven scarf. This gesture highlights East Timor's rich cultural heritage, particularly its tradition of tais weaving, which has been an integral part of Timorese identity for centuries.

East Timor, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, gained independence from Indonesia in 2002, making it one of the world's youngest nations. The country's journey to statehood was marked by a brutal occupation that lasted from 1975 to 1999. Despite these challenges, East Timor has maintained its strong Catholic identity, with an estimated 96% of the population adhering to the faith.


The highlight of Pope Francis' visit is expected to be an open-air Mass at Tasitolu on September 10, 2024. This coastal area, once a burial site for independence fighters during the Indonesian occupation, is now prepared to host an estimated 750,000 attendees – more than half of the country's population.

East Timor's economy faces significant hurdles, with a 2014 World Bank report indicating that 42% of Timorese lived in poverty and 47% of children experienced stunted growth due to malnutrition. However, the country has been working to diversify its economy, which is heavily reliant on oil and gas exports. Coffee has emerged as a significant export crop, and the nation has established a unique "petroleum fund" to manage its oil wealth responsibly.

The Catholic Church in East Timor has recently grappled with abuse scandals. In 2022, the Vatican confirmed sanctions against Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo following allegations of sexual abuse in the 1990s. Additionally, in 2021, former priest Richard Daschbach was sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexually abusing girls under his care.

"The pope must denounce the two men by name. His words could have an enormous positive impact."

Anne Barrett Doyle, of BishopAccountability.org, stated:

As Pope Francis addresses political authorities and engages with the Timorese people, he faces the challenge of addressing these issues while celebrating the nation's faith and resilience. His visit not only holds religious significance but also shines a spotlight on East Timor's progress and ongoing challenges since gaining independence.

East Timor, part of the Coral Triangle known for its marine biodiversity, continues to face environmental challenges such as deforestation and soil erosion. However, the country has made strides in areas like education, with significant improvements in literacy rates since independence.

As Pope Francis concludes his visit on September 11, 2024, before heading to Singapore, his presence in East Timor serves as a reminder of the country's complex history, vibrant culture, and the enduring role of faith in its national identity.