Pope Francis Critiques US Candidates, Urges Catholics to Vote

Pope Francis criticizes both Trump and Harris on immigration and abortion, respectively. He encourages US Catholics to vote for the "lesser evil" in the upcoming election, emphasizing the importance of civic participation.

September 13 2024, 06:27 PM  •  487 views

Pope Francis Critiques US Candidates, Urges Catholics to Vote

In a significant development, Pope Francis has voiced his concerns about the policies of both major US presidential candidates, urging American Catholics to participate in the upcoming November 2024 election. The pontiff's remarks came during a press conference aboard the papal plane, following a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Pope Francis, who became the 266th pope of the Catholic Church in 2013 and is known for his more liberal stance on some social issues, criticized the immigration policies associated with former President Donald Trump and the abortion stance of Vice President Kamala Harris. Without naming them directly, he referred to their positions and genders, stating that US Catholics would need to "choose the lesser evil" when casting their votes.

The Pope emphasized the importance of voting, declaring, "Not voting is ugly. It is not good. You must vote." This statement underscores the Catholic Church's view on civic participation and the responsibility of the faithful in shaping their nation's future.


Regarding immigration, Pope Francis described not welcoming migrants as a "grave" sin, citing biblical teachings that call for care of orphans, widows, and foreigners. This stance aligns with the Catholic Church's long-standing position on immigration, which is based on biblical teachings and social doctrine.

On the issue of abortion, the pontiff used strong language, likening it to an "assassination" and stating that there could be no excuses for the practice. This view is consistent with the Catholic Church's stance on abortion, which has remained unchanged since the first century.

"Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one who that kills children, both are against life."

Pope Francis on abortion and immigration

The Pope's comments come at a crucial time, with the US presidential election just two months away. American Catholics, numbering approximately 52 million nationwide, are often considered crucial swing voters, particularly in battleground states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

It's worth noting that Pope Francis has previously commented on US politics. During the 2016 election, he stated that Trump's views were "not Christian." The pontiff's willingness to address political issues, while maintaining a degree of neutrality, reflects the global influence of the Catholic Church, which has approximately 1.4 billion members worldwide.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, in their latest voting guidance released in November 2023, stated that the "threat of abortion" is a "preeminent priority" for Catholics. This guidance, along with the Pope's recent statements, may influence how American Catholics approach the upcoming election.

As the leader of the smallest country in the world, Vatican City State, and the first pope from the Americas and the Southern Hemisphere, Pope Francis continues to play a significant role in shaping global discussions on social and political issues. His comments on the papal plane, often referred to as "Shepherd One," demonstrate the ongoing intersection of faith and politics in the modern world.