Pope Francis Denounces Killing of Honduran Environmental Activist

Pope Francis condemns the murder of Juan Lopez, a Honduran environmental activist. The pontiff expresses solidarity with those defending basic rights and the environment in the face of violence.

September 22 2024, 11:02 AM  •  956 views

Pope Francis Denounces Killing of Honduran Environmental Activist

One year ago, Pope Francis voiced his condemnation of the tragic killing of Juan Lopez, a Honduran environmental activist. The incident, which occurred in September 2023, has brought attention to the dangers faced by those defending the environment in Honduras, a country known for its rich biodiversity with over 6,000 plant species and 700 bird species.

Lopez, a member of the Municipal Committee for the Defense of Common and Public Goods in Tocoa, was fatally shot while returning home from church. This organization has been at the forefront of protests against mining and hydro-electric projects that threaten tropical forests and rivers. Honduras, home to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System - the second-largest coral reef in the world - has been grappling with the highest deforestation rate in Latin America.

Pope Francis, who has been a vocal advocate for environmental issues since becoming the 266th pope of the Catholic Church in 2013, expressed his solidarity with the local church and condemned all forms of violence. He stated:

"I join the mourning of that church and the condemnation of all forms of violence. I stand with those who see their basic rights trampled and with those who act for the common good in response to the cries from the poor of the earth."

Pope Francis

This statement aligns with the pontiff's consistent message on environmental protection and social justice. In 2015, Pope Francis issued the encyclical "Laudato Si'", which focused on environmental issues and climate change, calling for an "ecological conversion" among Catholics.


The situation in Honduras reflects broader issues of land rights and natural resource exploitation. The country, which ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2016, has been experiencing conflicts between indigenous communities and large-scale development projects. Environmental activism in Honduras is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, highlighting the urgent need for protection of those defending natural resources.

The Catholic Church, representing about 46% of Honduras' population, has been increasingly involved in environmental activism globally. This engagement comes at a time when the country faces challenges of violence, corruption, and criticism over its handling of environmental and human rights issues.

Pope Francis's words serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for environmental protection and human rights in Honduras and beyond. As the world continues to grapple with climate change and ecological degradation, the Pope's message underscores the importance of standing in solidarity with those working to protect our common home.