Putin Turns 72: Longtime Russian Leader Receives Birthday Wishes

Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrates his 72nd birthday amidst ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Ultra-nationalist figures and regional leaders extend congratulations as Putin's leadership approaches a quarter-century.

October 7 2024, 01:39 AM  •  906 views

Putin Turns 72: Longtime Russian Leader Receives Birthday Wishes

As the clock struck midnight on October 7, 2024, Vladimir Putin marked his 72nd birthday, with ultra-nationalist ideologue Alexander Dugin being among the first to extend his wishes. Dugin's message, "God save the Tsar!", resonated with the long-standing leadership of Putin, who has been at the helm of Russian politics for nearly 25 years.

Putin, born on October 7, 1952, in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), has had a remarkable journey from KGB foreign intelligence officer to becoming Russia's paramount leader. His tenure has been marked by significant events and policies that have shaped modern Russia and its relations with the world.

In March 2024, Putin secured a record post-Soviet landslide victory in the presidential election, cementing his already firm grip on power. This win, if he completes the six-year term, would make him the longest-serving Russian leader in over two centuries, surpassing even the reigns of tsars and empresses.


Putin's leadership has been characterized by a strong stance against what he perceives as Western encroachment on Russia's sphere of influence. He has consistently promoted the concept of "sovereign democracy" for Russia and advocated for a multipolar world order, challenging U.S. global dominance.

"We are right to stand up to the West and defend our interests in Ukraine and beyond."

Putin on Russia's role in the world

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which began with Russia's invasion in 2022, remains a central issue in Putin's presidency. While Putin portrays the war as part of a historical struggle against Western influence, Kyiv and its allies view it as an imperialistic land grab. The conflict has had devastating consequences, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties, widespread destruction, and the displacement of millions.

Throughout his career, Putin has faced international criticism and sanctions for various actions, including those in Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine. Despite this, his approval ratings within Russia have consistently remained high, often exceeding 60%.

Putin's influence extends beyond politics. He has promoted Russian Orthodox Christianity and traditional values, signing laws that reflect these priorities. His interest in martial arts, particularly judo, in which he holds a black belt, has become part of his public image.

As the birthday celebrations continue, other Russian figures joined in the congratulations. Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia's Chechen Republic and self-proclaimed "foot soldier" of Putin, expressed his sentiments on Telegram, calling it "a significant day for our entire Fatherland."

Putin's 72nd birthday comes at a time when Russia faces numerous challenges on the international stage. The country has been subject to various sanctions due to its actions in Ukraine, and tensions with the West remain high. However, Putin's leadership continues to shape Russia's domestic and foreign policies, with his influence felt across the Eurasian region and beyond.

As Vladimir Putin enters his 73rd year, the world watches closely to see how his leadership will continue to impact global geopolitics and Russia's role on the world stage.