Resilient Gazan Gym Owner Rebuilds Outdoors Amidst War's Destruction

In war-torn Gaza, a gym owner salvages equipment from rubble to create an open-air fitness space. The makeshift facility offers solace to displaced residents, providing a rare outlet for stress relief amidst ongoing conflict.

September 13 2024, 12:27 PM  •  742 views

Resilient Gazan Gym Owner Rebuilds Outdoors Amidst War's Destruction

In the heart of Khan Younis, Gaza's largest southern city, an inspiring tale of resilience unfolds. Adli al-Assar, a local gym owner, has transformed adversity into opportunity by creating an open-air fitness center from the remnants of his destroyed gym.

Seven months ago, Israeli airstrikes reduced al-Assar's bustling gym to rubble. Undeterred, he took matters into his own hands. "I went to the area and dug with my own hands, along with the help of my children and friends, until we were able to retrieve some of the equipment," al-Assar explained.

Today, the reimagined gym stands as a testament to human perseverance. Surrounded by a corrugated fence, the makeshift facility houses salvaged weightlifting machines on an empty patch of ground. Dozens of Gazans now pump iron under the open sky, finding solace in physical exertion.

For the displaced men and boys of Khan Younis, this gym offers more than just a place to exercise. Al-Assar emphasizes its therapeutic value: "They come here to release their negative energy, to relieve the psychological strain they experience living in displacement, in tents, and under harsh conditions."


The importance of this facility cannot be overstated. With schools closed and public buildings either bombed out or shut down, recreational outlets are scarce in Gaza. The strip faces numerous challenges, including severe electricity shortages, a water crisis with over 95% of water unfit for human consumption, and an unemployment rate consistently over 40% in recent years.

Tairq Bakroun, a regular at the outdoor gym, shared his perspective: "I lost everything, we lost our families, our homes. We come here to the gym just to release the anger within us. Instead of taking it out in the house, and breaking the house and the tents, we come here and release our anger on the machines."

This innovative approach to fitness aligns with scientific findings on the benefits of resistance training. Regular weightlifting not only improves bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis but also helps manage stress and anxiety – crucial benefits for a population grappling with the traumas of war.

As the conflict approaches its one-year mark, al-Assar's gym stands as a beacon of hope, embodying the resilience of Gazans in the face of immense challenges. It serves as a poignant reminder that even in the most difficult circumstances, the human spirit can find ways to persevere and rebuild.