Stephen Fry Embraces Austrian Citizenship, Voices Election Concerns

British actor Stephen Fry praises Austria's citizenship law addressing Nazi-era injustices. He gains voting rights for the upcoming election, expressing worry about rising right-wing support.

September 21 2024, 05:57 PM  •  1040 views

Stephen Fry Embraces Austrian Citizenship, Voices Election Concerns

Stephen Fry, renowned British actor and broadcaster, has recently acquired Austrian citizenship, a move he describes as a "noble gesture" by the country. This development comes in the wake of Austria's 2019 legislative change, which extends citizenship rights to descendants of those who fled Nazi rule.

Fry, now 67, shared his personal connection to Austria, revealing that his grandparents were from the country and his great-grandparents perished in the Holocaust. This familial link made him eligible for citizenship under the new law, which aims to address Austria's historical wrongs during the Nazi era.

"I am so proud to be Austrian."

Stephen Fry on his new citizenship

The actor's acquisition of Austrian citizenship carries additional significance in the context of Brexit. Fry, a vocal critic of Britain's exit from the European Union, expressed satisfaction at regaining EU citizenship, stating it allowed him to "stick my tongue out at Brexit."


Austria's upcoming parliamentary election on September 29, 2024, marks a historic moment as it will be the first time approximately 33,000 new dual nationals, including Fry, can participate in the voting process. This group of voters, who gained citizenship rights over the past four years, could potentially influence the election's outcome.

The political landscape in Austria appears to be in flux, with recent polls indicating a tight race. The far-right Freedom Party (FPO) is currently leading, closely followed by the ruling conservative Austrian People's Party (OVP). No party is expected to secure an outright majority, suggesting a potentially complex post-election scenario.

Fry, known for his roles in popular shows like "Blackadder" and "Jeeves and Wooster," has expressed concern about the rising support for right-wing forces in Austria and neighboring Germany. While not disclosing his voting intentions, he emphasized the global attention on Austria's political trajectory.

Throughout his career, Fry has been a prominent figure in British entertainment, contributing to various fields including comedy, acting, writing, and broadcasting. His multifaceted career has earned him numerous accolades and a dedicated following. Fry's openness about his struggles with bipolar disorder and his advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights have further cemented his status as a respected public figure.

As Austria prepares for this crucial election, the participation of new citizens like Stephen Fry adds an intriguing dimension to the political landscape. The outcome of this vote may provide insights into the country's direction and its approach to addressing its complex historical legacy.