Teen Sues Detroit Judge for Courtroom Humiliation During Field Trip

A lawsuit has been filed against a Detroit judge who ordered a 15-year-old girl into jail clothes and handcuffs during a court field trip. The incident, which was livestreamed, has led to the judge's temporary removal from courtroom duties.

August 21 2024, 08:22 PM  •  381 views

Teen Sues Detroit Judge for Courtroom Humiliation During Field Trip

A legal action has been initiated against Judge Kenneth King of Detroit's 36th District Court, one of the largest district courts in the United States. The lawsuit, filed on August 21, 2024, stems from an incident that occurred during a field trip to the court on August 13, 2024.

The case centers around the treatment of Eva Goodman, a 15-year-old participant in an educational outing organized by The Greening of Detroit, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving Detroit's quality of life through environmental initiatives and educational programs. During the visit, Goodman allegedly fell asleep, which prompted a series of actions by Judge King that are now under scrutiny.

According to the legal complaint, Judge King ordered the teenager to don jail attire and wear handcuffs, citing her perceived negative attitude as justification. This incident was broadcast via the courtroom's livestream, a practice that has become increasingly common in U.S. courts in recent years.

The lawsuit accuses Judge King of multiple infractions, including humiliation, false arrest, and unlawful detention. These allegations align with the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures. The legal action seeks damages exceeding $75,000.


In response to the incident, Judge King has been temporarily relieved of his courtroom responsibilities pending completion of additional training. This action reflects the seriousness with which judicial misconduct is treated within the American legal system.

The teenager's mother, Latoreya Till, has publicly criticized Judge King's behavior, referring to him as a "big bully." Till also mentioned that her daughter's fatigue might be attributed to their current lack of permanent housing, highlighting the impact of homelessness on student well-being and academic performance.

The use of handcuffs on minors in non-criminal situations remains a contentious issue in the United States. This case has reignited discussions about appropriate disciplinary measures and the potential long-term effects of public humiliation on young individuals.

Legal experts are closely monitoring this case, as it raises questions about judicial immunity and the limits of a judge's authority, especially in educational contexts where the principle of "in loco parentis" typically applies.

As the legal proceedings unfold, this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical conduct in the judiciary and the potential consequences of actions that may be perceived as overstepping boundaries, particularly when dealing with minors in educational settings.

"I wanted this to look and feel very real to her, even though there's probably no real chance of me putting her in jail."

Judge Kenneth King stated

This case underscores the ongoing debate about the appropriate use of authority in educational and legal contexts, and the potential long-term impacts of such incidents on young people's perceptions of the justice system.