UAE to Unveil Climate Plan Ahead of COP29, Urging Global Action

UAE set to release new climate strategy before COP29, aiming to reduce emissions from 2025 to 2035. As one of the first major emitters to act, it encourages other nations to follow suit in meeting Paris Agreement goals.

September 27 2024, 10:43 AM  •  17 views

UAE to Unveil Climate Plan Ahead of COP29, Urging Global Action

The United Arab Emirates is taking a proactive stance in global climate action by announcing its intention to release a new national climate plan prior to the COP29 summit in November 2024. This plan, known as a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), will outline the country's strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2025 to 2035.

Sultan Al Jaber, who presided over the COP28 summit in Dubai last year, emphasized the importance of this move, stating that the UAE aims to be among the first major emitters to submit their updated plan well ahead of the February 2025 deadline. This early submission is intended to encourage other nations to follow suit and accelerate global climate action.

The UAE's decision comes at a critical time in the fight against climate change. Established in 1971, the UAE has rapidly developed into a global economic powerhouse, currently ranking as the world's 7th largest oil producer. However, this economic success has come at an environmental cost, with the country having one of the highest per capita carbon footprints globally.


In recent years, the UAE has made significant strides towards sustainability. The country has set an ambitious goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and has been investing heavily in renewable energy, particularly solar power. The UAE's "Energy Strategy 2050" aims to increase the contribution of clean energy in the total energy mix to 50% by mid-century.

NDCs are crucial components of the Paris Agreement, serving as roadmaps for countries to reduce their emissions and adapt to climate change impacts. These plans are meant to be updated every five years, with each iteration becoming more ambitious. The upcoming round of NDCs will be the first test of the commitment made at COP28 to transition away from fossil fuels.

"We should view NDCs not as a burden but as platforms for new streams of growth, green jobs and a clean future."

Sultan Al Jaber stated:

Despite these positive steps, concerns remain about the commitment of major fossil fuel producers to truly transition away from oil and gas. A recent report by advocacy group Oil Change International suggests that the past, current, and future COP hosts, including the UAE, are set to increase their combined oil and gas production by 33% by 2035.

To address these challenges, the UAE has been implementing various innovative solutions. The country has launched a nuclear energy program with the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant and is developing "Masdar City," a planned urban area designed to rely entirely on renewable energy sources. Additionally, the UAE has set a target to plant 100 million mangrove seedlings by 2030, recognizing the importance of natural carbon sinks in combating climate change.

As the UAE prepares to release its new climate plan, the global community will be watching closely. The success of these efforts will play a crucial role in determining whether the world can meet the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.