U.S. Race for AGI Supremacy: A National Imperative for 2025-2029

The next U.S. presidential term could witness the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence, revolutionizing society. Ensuring American leadership in AGI development is crucial for national security and global progress.

September 30 2024, 04:40 AM  •  457 views

U.S. Race for AGI Supremacy: A National Imperative for 2025-2029

The potential development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) during the 2025-2029 U.S. presidential term could mark a pivotal moment in human history. As we approach this critical juncture, it's essential to understand the implications and prepare for the challenges ahead.

John McCarthy, who coined the term "artificial intelligence" in 1956, might not have envisioned the rapid progress we've made in the field. Since the creation of the first AI program, the Logic Theorist, in 1955 by Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon, we've witnessed remarkable advancements. From IBM's Deep Blue defeating a world chess champion in 1997 to DeepMind's AlphaGo triumphing in Go in 2016, AI has consistently pushed boundaries.

The race for AGI supremacy is not just a technological competition; it's a matter of national security and global influence. If the United States succeeds in developing AGI responsibly, it could lead to unprecedented advancements in science, economy, and quality of life. Conversely, if a nation with different values, such as China, achieves this milestone first, the consequences could be concerning.

To ensure U.S. leadership in AGI development, a comprehensive government-backed initiative is crucial. This effort should mirror the scale of support provided during the Cold War era. Key areas requiring attention include:

  • Data access and storage
  • Energy infrastructure
  • High-performance computing resources
  • Workforce development
  • International collaboration

The U.S. government must create an AGI-focused commission, similar to the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence established in 2018. This commission should aim to facilitate AGI development in the United States by 2029, leveraging the country's strengths in natural language processing and reinforcement learning.


Addressing the energy demands of AGI development is crucial. With AI's computational power doubling approximately every three months, investments in renewable energy technologies and energy-efficient computing are imperative.

International collaboration will play a vital role in this endeavor. The United States should establish a tiered partnership approach, categorizing countries based on their security standards and alignment with U.S. values. This strategy will help pool resources and expertise while safeguarding sensitive technologies.

Regulatory frameworks must evolve to keep pace with AGI development. A flexible, tiered system that applies varied oversight depending on a model's capabilities and risks could be more effective than the EU's more restrictive approach. Transparency and ethical considerations should be at the forefront of these regulations.

Public engagement is crucial for the successful integration of AGI into society. The 2023 Gallup poll revealing low public trust in AI underscores the need for initiatives like a Citizens AI Council and AI literacy programs to address concerns and foster understanding.

As we stand on the brink of a potential AGI breakthrough, it's worth recalling Winston Churchill's 1946 speech at Westminster College. His warning about the dual nature of technological progress resonates today. The United States faces the challenge of ensuring that AGI becomes a force for good, showering "immeasurable material blessings upon mankind" rather than leading to potential harm.

In conclusion, the race for AGI supremacy is not just about technological achievement; it's about shaping the future of humanity. With careful planning, ethical considerations, and public engagement, the United States can lead the way in developing AGI that benefits all of humanity.

"We must institute an AI literacy strategy to explain the technology and its advantages to the general public."

U.S. Senator Mike Rounds

This proactive approach to public education and engagement will be crucial in garnering support for AGI development and ensuring its responsible implementation in society.