U.S. Soldier to Plead Guilty to Desertion After North Korea Border Crossing

Army Private Travis King agrees to plead guilty to desertion and other charges following his unauthorized crossing into North Korea in 2023. The case involves a complex history of misconduct and international incident.

August 27 2024, 05:32 PM  •  710 views

U.S. Soldier to Plead Guilty to Desertion After North Korea Border Crossing

Travis King, a U.S. Army private, has agreed to plead guilty to desertion and additional charges stemming from his unauthorized crossing into North Korea in July 2023. This incident marked the first time in nearly five years that an American was detained in the highly isolated state.

According to King's attorney, Franklin D. Rosenblatt, the soldier will enter guilty pleas to five out of fourteen charges at a hearing scheduled for September 20, 2024, at Fort Bliss, Texas. These charges include three counts of disobeying an officer and one count of assaulting a noncommissioned officer. The remaining charges are expected to be dismissed.


The case has drawn significant attention due to its international implications and the complex history of relations between the United States and North Korea. The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), where King crossed, serves as a buffer between North and South Korea, with the Joint Security Area (JSA) being the only location where forces from both sides stand face-to-face.

King's unauthorized entry into North Korea occurred on July 18, 2023, when he joined a tour of the JSA and crossed the military demarcation line. At the time, he was 23 years old and had been serving in the Army since 2021. Prior to this incident, King had completed a nearly two-month hard-labor sentence in South Korea for assault and other offenses.

The soldier's detention in North Korea lasted approximately three months before he was expelled. During this time, North Korean state media, known for its tight government control and propaganda purposes, claimed that King had expressed disillusionment with inequality and racial discrimination in the United States. However, the U.S. Defense Department was unable to verify these reports.

Upon his return to U.S. custody, King faced multiple charges, including desertion. It's worth noting that desertion in the U.S. military is defined as leaving one's post or unit with the intent to remain away permanently, and can carry severe penalties under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

The plea agreement also addresses previous incidents of misconduct. Charging documents allege that King left his barracks without permission and consumed alcohol against regulations in the fall of 2022. Additionally, he is accused of kicking a staff sergeant in the head during an incident in October 2022.

"Travis is grateful to his friends and family who have supported him, and to all outside of his circle who did not pre-judge his case based on the initial allegations."

King's attorney statement

As the case progresses, it highlights the complexities of military discipline, international relations, and the unique challenges posed by incidents involving the Korean Peninsula. The outcome of King's hearing and sentencing will likely be closely watched by both military and diplomatic observers.