Viral African Gray Parrot Apollo Showcases Remarkable Cognitive Abilities

Apollo, an African gray parrot with millions of social media followers, demonstrates intelligence comparable to a human toddler. His owners, the Masons, have dedicated their lives to training this exceptional bird.

August 20 2024, 04:04 PM  •  635 views

Viral African Gray Parrot Apollo Showcases Remarkable Cognitive Abilities

In a remarkable display of avian intelligence, Apollo, an African gray parrot, has captured the attention of millions on social media platforms. This extraordinary bird, now approximately 6 years old, demonstrates cognitive abilities comparable to those of a human toddler, showcasing the exceptional potential of his species.

Dalton and Victoria Mason adopted Apollo in 2020, initially intending to purchase crickets for their gecko. Little did they know that this chance encounter would lead to a life-changing experience. The Masons, self-proclaimed "bird people," have since dedicated their lives to training Apollo, utilizing methods inspired by renowned animal cognition researcher Irene Pepperberg.

Apollo's impressive repertoire includes identifying objects, colors, and numbers. He can distinguish between materials such as glass, metal, and paper, and even greet humans with a friendly "Hey, buddies." These abilities are not surprising, considering that African gray parrots can develop a vocabulary of up to 1,000 words and use them contextually.


The Masons employ a training technique similar to Pepperberg's model/rival method, which involves two trainers - one giving instructions and the other modeling responses. This approach has proven highly effective, as evidenced by Apollo's recent Guinness World Record for identifying 12 objects in three minutes.

African gray parrots, native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa, are renowned for their exceptional cognitive abilities. Their brain, though only the size of a walnut, allows them to:

  • Recognize shapes, colors, and numbers
  • Solve problems at the level of a 3-5 year old human child
  • Understand the concept of zero
  • Distinguish between different human voices
  • Use tools in the wild

"What Apollo is doing is fascinating. It's showing that Alex was not just some Einstein parrot, that other parrots are capable."

Irene Pepperberg, animal cognition researcher, stated:

Pepperberg's groundbreaking research with her parrot Alex paved the way for understanding the true potential of these remarkable birds. Alex, who passed away in 2007 at the age of 31, demonstrated cognitive skills comparable to a 4-year-old human.

The Masons' dedication to Apollo has not only advanced our understanding of avian intelligence but also provided them with a unique livelihood. Their social media accounts featuring Apollo have amassed millions of followers, allowing them to focus full-time on his training and care.

While Apollo's achievements are impressive, it's crucial to remember that African gray parrots require significant time, effort, and commitment as pets. They can live up to 50-70 years in captivity and have complex needs. Unfortunately, the species was listed as endangered by IUCN in 2016 due to habitat loss and poaching.

As Apollo continues to learn and grow, the Masons remain excited about his future potential. Their journey with this extraordinary bird serves as a testament to the remarkable cognitive abilities of African gray parrots and the importance of responsible pet ownership and conservation efforts for these intelligent creatures.