WHO Warns of Health Crisis as Ukraine Faces Third War Winter

WHO alerts to potential health crisis in Ukraine as third winter of war approaches. Damaged infrastructure, power outages, and antimicrobial resistance pose significant challenges to healthcare system.

September 12 2024, 01:49 PM  •  557 views

WHO Warns of Health Crisis as Ukraine Faces Third War Winter

As Ukraine approaches its third winter since the Russian full-scale invasion began in February 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a grave warning about a looming health crisis in the country. The ongoing conflict has severely impacted Ukraine's energy and healthcare infrastructure, leaving millions of its approximately 44 million citizens vulnerable as temperatures drop.

Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe since 2020, emphasized the critical need for renewed focus on health during a press briefing in Kyiv, Ukraine's capital and largest city. He stated, "Ukraine is approaching its third winter amid a full-scale war — likely its most challenging yet."

The UN agency has documented nearly 2,000 attacks on Ukraine's healthcare infrastructure since the invasion's onset. These assaults have significantly affected the country's predominantly public health system, raising concerns about various health-related issues:

  • Power outages jeopardizing vaccine storage and distribution
  • Potential contamination of water systems
  • Growing antimicrobial resistance due to antibiotic misuse

Kluge highlighted the alarming situation of wounds that fail to heal due to antibiotic resistance, warning that this could have far-reaching consequences beyond Ukraine's borders if drugs become ineffective.

To address these challenges, WHO has outlined several initiatives:

  • Installing 15 heating units at hospitals at risk of further attacks
  • Establishing a network of treatment clinics in areas with limited healthcare access
  • Providing generators and backup power options
  • Supporting state-planned health system reforms

These efforts are being implemented in collaboration with local Ukrainian authorities and Western governments. Initial work has focused on Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city in the east, which has endured frequent Russian attacks.

"The world must react firmly and fundamentally. Countries and international organizations must not remain indifferent. Only together can the world force Russia to stop this terror and force Moscow to seek peace."

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated:

In a tragic development, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that three people died and two were wounded when Russian forces struck Red Cross humanitarian vehicles in the Donetsk region. This attack on medical personnel and facilities violates the Geneva Conventions, which protect such entities during armed conflicts.

As Ukraine faces this critical period, the international community's support remains crucial in addressing the mounting health challenges and ensuring the protection of vulnerable populations amidst ongoing hostilities.