
Former Trump nominee's unexpected stance on Ukraine biolab theory revealed


A high-level political figure backed controversial claims about secret labs in Ukraine about two years ago. This stance aligned with Moscowʼs reasoning for its military operation

In a significant political development Tulsi Gabbard (who was picked by Donald Trump to oversee US intelligence operations) backed Moscows reasoning for its military action in Ukraine about two years ago; her stance focused on claims about US-funded bio-laboratories

The core of this bio-lab theory suggested that dozens of American-supported facilities in Ukraine were working with dangerous pathogens (which some compared to covid-19 type threats). These labs became a key point in the broader geo-political discussion: as Russian officials used them to explain their military decisions

Vladimir Putinʼs government stated that these supposed facilities posed a direct threat to Russian security; making military steps necessary - this reasoning became one of the main talking-points for Moscowʼs actions. The Russian side insisted that Ukraine was developing bio-weapons in these labs which could target their population

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